National Suicide Prevention Week: It’s Real

Event Image
It’s Real: A Conversation about Mental Health and College Students

Depression and other mental health struggles are real illnesses that affect many students. No matter how difficult the challenge is, though, it is possible to find hope and get help to survive through the struggles and even thrive. Join us for a short video featuring the real stories of six college students who have experienced and survived suicidal thoughts and feelings. The video will be followed by a real-time facilitated discussion.

Join us virtually and on social media to learn from and connect with peers, the RIT community, and life-saving resources during our fourth annual National Suicide Prevention Week. Connecting with others and with resources can make a crucial difference in reducing suicide risk. Together, we can make a difference!

Live captioning and interpreters will be available for this event.

Colleen Holcomb
Event Snapshot
When and Where
September 10, 2020
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Room/Location: Virtual

This is an RIT Only Event

Interpreter Requested?


student experience