PHT180 Research Vitals: Jay Henderson, Associate Professor, Syracuse University

Advanced Material and Computational Tools to Enable the Study and Application of Cell Mechanobiology

Jay Henderson
Associate Professor, Syracuse University

Abstract: Recent advances in stimuli responsive and multifunctional polymers are enabling new investigations and understanding of cell mechanobiology—the study of how physical forces at the cell level contribute to development, maintenance, wound healing, and disease. By developing computational tools that enable study of the interactions of the polymers and cells, the value of stimuli responsive and multifunctional polymer platforms can be broadened, amplified, and democratized. Current work demonstrating the development, characterization, and application of stimuli responsive and multifunctional polymers and the computational approaches that complement them will be presented.

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Cari Hindman
Event Snapshot
When and Where
November 17, 2020
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Room/Location: Virtual Zoom

Open to the Public

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personalized healthcare technology