Popular Music Collective: Songwriting Workshop

This workshop is meant to be a space of sharing and exploring together what songwriting means and can signify in our community. Through analyzing, listening, and working in our and others songs we will derive meaningful tools to keep enjoying the journey of songwriting.
Songwriting involves the process of creating the habit of exploring sounds, forms, rhythms and elements of our environment and our personal lives. This habit allows us to make connections between such different elements allowing the composer to imprint the message they want to convey on a song. From this perspective, songwriting is not a skill one achieves once one knows a "huge amount" of music theory, so to speak. In fact, songwriting is the ability to create meaning with the tools available. The greater the knowledge of these tools, the more complete the development of songwriting skills will be achieved. Therefore, this workshop focuses on making use of the resources that each participant has and developing their ingenuity while expanding their creativity. In the same way, the goal will also be the incorporation of new tools through the analysis and study of different genres and composition styles, the use of technology and the importance of having a consistent practice.
Event Snapshot
When and Where
This is an RIT Only Event
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