POSTPONED: MAGIC Speaker Series welcomes Andrea Kalas

Talk abstract: How do you know when you’ve met a martian? Well, if he’s wearing a sequined hoodie and a medallion like in "Zombies of the Stratosphere", you’ll know that Mars does not produce many good guys. How do you know if Tiger Woman is real? Her costume is made from Leopard print. How do you know Commander Cody knows how to stop the Cosmic Ray? Well, you just know. Republic serials have been called the best of a low-budget / high action short subject genre that brought people–okay mostly boys–back to the movie theater week after week. This clip show from the Paramount Archives recent preservation work focuses on the amazing work done by stunt men and women, special effects wizards and the amazingly innovative re-use of costumes, props and full sequences from other movies. There are so many lessons to learn from the serials, and so many reasons to love them.

Andrea Kalas is currently Senior Vice President Asset Management at Paramount Pictures, where she oversees both the Archive and Mastering departments. She previously served as President of the Association of Moving Image Archivists and has worked as Head of Preservation at the British Film Institute, Digital Studio Director for Discovery Communications, Archivist for Dreamworks SKG, and preservationist and research database expert at UCLA Film and Television Archive. She is a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and serves on the Science and Technology Council.

Jennifer Hinton
Event Snapshot
When and Where
April 23, 2020
1:00 pm - 12:30 am
Room/Location: 2180

Open to the Public

Interpreter Requested?


games, film, and digital media