Recharge Day: Maple Syrup Farm Field Trip

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Recharge Day with battery icon

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Learn about the process of making maple syrup and how to do it on your own! We will begin with an overview that includes tree identification, tapping tools and methods, sap collection, processing sap to create the sweet concoction of maple syrup, and opportunities to learn more about maple sugaring at RIT. After this 45-minute on-campus overview, we will then board a bus for a trip to a maple farm in Naples, NY. Here, you will tour the farm to learn about the elaborate and technical commercial sap harvesting and processing system that involves thousands of trees networked to a pump house, reverse osmosis used to begin water extraction, and large scale evaporator for concentrating sap to syrup. Transportation, tour fees, and free maple product samples are provided! Students should dress to be outside for extended periods, have footwear for hiking on trails, and are encouraged to bring a bagged lunch.

Colleen Holcomb
Event Snapshot
When and Where
February 23, 2021
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Room/Location: Off-campus

This is an RIT Only Event

Interpreter Requested?


student experience