SpringFest: FoodShare Volunteer Day

Event Image
Purple gradient across an image of a group of FoodShare volunteers after a volunteer day.  "FoodShare Volunteer Day" written in white at the top left corner of the graphic. Event time, date and location in the lower left corner with the FoodShare and SpringFest combined lockup. QR code in the bottom right corner.

Join us for our last volunteer day of the academic year! We will be inventorying donations, stocking shelves, and more! Take this opportunity to learn more about RIT FoodShare and how you can help your fellow Tigers.

SpringFest is RIT’s annual celebration of all things spring! Join us for food, music, festivities, and more. For a complete list of events and sponsors, visit rit.edu/SpringFest 

Natalie Robinson
Event Snapshot
When and Where
April 22, 2023
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Room/Location: RIT FoodShare (113 Kimball Dr, Rochester, NY 14623)

This is an RIT Only Event

Interpreter Requested?


commitment to goodness
student experience