Alert system will speed emergency response

RIT Alert, the university’s new rapid emergency mass notification system, will need accurate contact information from the campus community to be effective. Contact information for RIT Alert is taken directly from information provided by students, staff and faculty in existing systems. It is the responsibility of faculty, staff and students to make sure information is accurate and up to date.

Additionally, several new fields have been added to include mobile phones and instant messaging information. “RIT Alert is a major development for the safety and security of the RIT community,” says President Bill Destler. “Rapid communication is a key ingredient to our comprehensive safety plan. We urge all faculty, staff and students to take advantage of the new system. It is imperative that your contact information is accurate and up to date in order for you to receive emergency notifications.”

In the event of a campus emergency, RIT Alert will send urgent messages via instant message or text message to mobile devices, voice message and e-mail (RIT official mail only.) Students should connect to the Student Information system website and select the Student Info System link. On SIS, students should select the Address Information link and then the Emergency Notification link to update mobile phones and instant messages. On the Address Information screen, students can also select the Local Address link and ensure that information is up to date. Faculty and staff should go to Oracle Self Service—Human Resources. If you are both a student and staff member, both areas should be reviewed. Visit the Business Continuity Office Web site for specific instructions on how to add/update contact information for RIT Alert.

Participation in RIT Alert is voluntary. If a student, faculty or staff member does not wish to participate, they may opt out in the myRIT portal or Oracle Self Service.

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