News Stories

  • November 18, 2014

    Professor posing for camera

    Expert Advice: Some tips on tipping

    Joseph C. Miller is an assistant professor of marketing in Saunders College of Business. He gives six tips on the nature of tipping.
  • November 18, 2014

    Person posing for camera

    Tiger Talk: Austin McChord

    Austin McChord ’09 started his computer data backup company out of his parents’ basement in 2007. This summer, Datto Inc. opened an office in downtown Rochester.
  • November 18, 2014

    Students gathered for picture

    Engineering a new Ph.D. program

    The Kate Gleason College of Engineering launched a Ph.D. in engineering this fall with 10 students who will focus on solving problems of national and global significance.
  • November 18, 2014

    Picture of plastic hand

    A new hand for Lucas

    Using 3D printers, open source designs and a little ingenuity, a group of RIT students and a research scientist are helping to advance the availability of prosthetic devices.