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Media Galleries

Several of the NTID banquets are held in honor of the Abbé de L’Epée, founder of the first school for the deaf in Paris.

Abbé de L’Epée's achievements:

  • chose to teach through sign language instead of spoken language method
  • established first public school for the deaf in Paris in 1771
  • his efforts on behalf of education of the deaf have influenced both deaf and hearing people worldwide

Further information about the tradition of deaf-mute banquets can be found here.

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This banquet celebrated the 100th year of former NAD president George Veditz’s Preservation of Sign Language address, which was filmed as part of NAD’s Moving Picture Project. Veditz's address is currently at Library of Congress as part of the National Film Registry. But also, we celebrated Abbé Charles-Michel de l’Épée's 301th birthday anniversary. He was the founder of the first public school for the deaf and the developer of what eventually became American Sign Language. We greatly enjoyed this night with fellow RIT/NTID students, faculty and staff. We hope to see you next year!

After the banquet, dinner guests and visitors came to watch a video edited by K. Christie at a free event at the Panara Theater: George W. Veditz: WHO THAT?

The Deaf Union Flag was created by a French artist, Arnaud Balard, it stands as a global symbol of the powerful unifying cultural and linguistic identity of Deaf people and Sign Language users. Deaf Union Flag Colors: Turquoise - the Deaf community that cherishes Sign Language Gold - light, hope, knowledge, and enlightenment Dark Blue - Deafhood, an individual and collective journey to combat audism and embrace Deaf gain.