The Stories They Tell: Curating Online & Onsite Exhibitions

During Fall 2015, students enrolled in Professor Juilee Decker’s Cultural Informatics (MUSE 359) worked with RIT’s Archivist, Becky Simmons, and Associate Archivist, Jody Sidlauskas, to curate an exhibition focusing on personal histories of RIT. Over five weeks, students examined the collections first-hand in the archives, selected items to include in the exhibition, The Stories They Tell 2, wrote exhibit labels, installed the works in the onsite exhibition, and prepared an online exhibition using Drupal CMS.
In addition to Cultural Informatics, several other courses in Museum Studies offer the opportunity for students interested in the digital humanities and social sciences to develop skills in critical curation. Students learn to develop, organize, manage, and enhance content through the addition of thoughtful, researched commentary as well as dissemination of such multimedia efforts.