Accounting and Analytics MS - Curriculum

Accounting and Analytics MS

Accounting and Analytics, MS degree, typical course sequence

Course Sem. Cr. Hrs.
First Year
Tax Analysis and Strategy
A continuation of Basic Taxation. Emphasis is on taxation of business entities, as well as estate and gift taxation and planning. Students use technology to prepare complex returns and to research tax issues. Tax analysis and planning are integrated throughout. Lecture 3 (Fall).
Information Systems Auditing and Assurance Services
An examination of the unique risks, controls, and assurance services resulting from and related to auditing financial information systems with an emphasis on enterprise resource systems. (Prerequisites: ACCT-705 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Spring).
Comparative Financial Statement Analysis
This course is designed to prepare students to interpret and analyze financial statements effectively. Explores in greater depth some of the financial reporting topics introduced in the core accounting course and includes a discussion of International Financial Reporting Standards. (Prerequisites: ACCT-603 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Fall).
Accounting Information and Analytics
The objective for this course is helping students develop a data mindset which prepare them to interact with data scientists from an accountant perspective. This course enables students to develop analytics skills to conduct descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive analysis for accounting information. This course focuses on such topics as data modeling, relational databases, blockchain, visualization, unstructured data, web scraping, and data extraction. (Prerequisites: ACCT-110 or ACCT-603 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Fall, Summer).
Accounting Capstone Experience
The principal focus of this course is students completing several projects provided by members of CPA firms and industry employers. Employers provide assignments, which may include data or require students to gather relevant data, and students use defined technology, which may include a variety of applications common in technological accounting practice, to complete projects in teams. Students also write comprehensive individual reports and analyses related to the projects. Peripheral work in the course includes examination of theoretical concepts, definitions, and models espoused in the accounting literature and relevant to analyzing various contemporary issues in financial accounting and reporting. The historical development of accounting standards and contemporary issues in financial reporting are integrated. The course requires writing and student presentations. Subject to approval by the Program Director, an individual student internship/coop followed by an in-depth report may obtain equivalent credit. Lecture 3 (Spring).
Financial Analytics
This course provides a survey of financial analytics applications in contexts such as investment analysis, portfolio construction, risk management, and security valuation. Students are introduced to financial models used in these applications and their implementation using popular languages such as R, Matlab, and Python, and packages such as Quantlib. A variety of data sources are used: financial websites such as, government sites such as, finance research databases such as WRDS, and especially Bloomberg terminals. Students will complete projects using real-world data and make effective use of visualization methods in reporting results. There are no pre or co-requisites; however, instructor permission is required – student aptitude for quantitative work will be assessed; waived for students enrolled in quantitative programs such as the MS-Computational Finance which have pre-requisites in the areas of calculus, linear algebra, and programming. Lecture 3 (Fall).
Introduction to Data Analytics and Business Intelligence
This course serves as an introduction to data analysis including both descriptive and inferential statistical techniques. Contemporary data analytics and business intelligence tools will be explored through realistic problem assignments. Lecture 3 (Fall).
MGIS Elective
Graduate Electives
Total Semester Credit Hours