Center for Integrated Manufacturing Studies at RIT Awarded for Economic Development
CIMS recognized for revitalizing manufacturing in upstate New York
Nabil Nasr
Rochester Institute of Technology’s Center for Integrated Manufacturing Studies is being recognized for improving the regional economy through science, technology, innovation and technology transfer.
The State Science & Technology Institute, a national nonprofit organization based in Ohio that leads, supports and strengthens efforts to improve state and regional economies through science, technology and innovation, has awarded the center with a 2011 Excellence in TBED (Technology-Based Economic Development) Award.
“We are incredibly proud of the work we do at the Center for Integrated Manufacturing Studies and this just cements our view that the center plays a critical role in driving the local, regional and state economy,” says Nabil Nasr, director of the Golisano Institute for Sustainability and CIMS. “We are thrilled that SSTI is being so proactive in recognizing economic and technology incubators such as CIMS.”
RIT was among six organizations named winners of the award, serving as national models for states and regions investing in science, technology and innovation to grow their economies and create high-paying jobs.
Awards were presented today during the organization’s 15th annual conference in Columbus, Ohio, attended by local, state and national leaders in economic development.
The organization cited RIT’s involvement in increasing the competitiveness of manufacturers in upstate New York by providing world-class research, technology development expertise and laboratories that help companies market expansion, enhance productivity, speed innovation and product development as well as train personnel. CIMS has been innovative in adapting its expertise and services to meet the evolving needs of manufacturers by focusing on the region’s strongest industry clusters such as food processing, energy and machining. Since 2002, the center has helped to create more than 1,581 jobs and retain 1,915 positions throughout the state.
“The Center for Integrated Manufacturing Studies at Rochester Institute of Technology has been highly innovative in adapting and growing its expertise and services to meet the evolving needs of manufacturers,” says Dan Berglund, State Science & Technology Institute president and CEO. “CIMS is a perfect example of a regional transformation effort addressing the modern pressures facing U.S. manufacturing.”
The Center for Integrated Manufacturing Studies, which was formed in 1992, is a dynamic collaboration of in-house technical experts, as well as academic, industry and government resources. Part of the Golisano Institute for Sustainability at RIT, the world-class facility houses research centers, industrial programs, and an all-encompassing training program.
For more information on the State Science & Technology Institute and a list of other award winners, go to the SSTI website.