Photographic Arts and Sciences Exploration

Spend up to a year exploring RIT’s photography majors as you decide which program best matches your career goals. 

Overview for Photographic Arts and Sciences Exploration

For students interested in photography but unsure which major best meets their career aspirations, the photographic arts and sciences exploration option provides you with an overview of the two photography majors and their options. Students will learn about the curriculum, course work, and career paths associated with the BFA in photographic and imaging arts (with options in advertising photography, fine art photography, photojournalism, or visual media) and the BS in photographic sciences. This exploration option allows you to take up to a year to learn about each major while you complete general education and liberal arts courses.


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Curriculum for 2024-2025 for Photographic Arts and Sciences Exploration

Current Students: See Curriculum Requirements

Photography undeclared, typical course sequence

Course Sem. Cr. Hrs.
First Year
Choose one of the following: 8
   PHPS-101,102    Photography I, II (BS)  
   PHAR-101,102    Photo Arts I, II (BFA)  
Photographic Science Fundamentals
The course Photographic Science Fundamentals will introduce the application of physics, mathematics, and optical science behind the processes of photography. The course also provides the students with the opportunity to employ statistical data analysis to identify trends through laboratory exercises utilizing principles of scientific inquiry. Lab 3, Lecture 2 (Fall).
Photographic Technology II
This is the second course in a two-semester course based in the study of the technology of photography, with emphasis on applications to real world photographic problems. Among the topics studied will include color vision, Munsell color system, CIELAB system, color theory, color management, digital color balance during post-processing, digital tone reproduction, and digital workflows. (Prerequisite: PHPS-106 or equivalent course.) Lab 2, Lecture 2 (Spring).
Drawing I (BFA)
This course is an introduction to the visualization of form, thought, and expression through the drawing process and is the first of two sequential courses that are the foundation of the drawing curriculum in the College of Art and Design. Concepts are introduced by lectures, discussions, and demonstrations which are designed to provide a broad introductory experience. Students will experiment with a wide variety of media, tools, techniques and subjects to develop drawing and problem-solving skills related to form and composition. The focus of the course is to provide awareness of the full range of ways in which drawing is used as a tool for both self-expression and communication. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** Studio 6 (Fall or Spring).
2D Design I (BFA)
From observation of still life, the figure, and interior/exterior spaces, Drawing II continues to build on the foundation of the College of Art and Design drawing curriculum. This course continues the study of traditional drawing mediums and techniques while introducing color and a selection of contemporary practices and tools through examining organic and geometric mark making, form, space and value. Core concepts are introduced by lectures, discussions, and demonstrations; the primary assessment method of course work will be through critiques which facilitate growth of both a visual and verbal vocabulary. The focus of the course is to provide awareness of the full range of ways in which drawing is used as a tool for self-expression, communication and continued development of creative practice and problem solving. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** (Prerequisites: FDTN-111 or ITDI-211 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring).
General Education: First Year Writing
RIT 365: RIT Connections
RIT 365 students participate in experiential learning opportunities designed to launch them into their career at RIT, support them in making multiple and varied connections across the university, and immerse them in processes of competency development. Students will plan for and reflect on their first-year experiences, receive feedback, and develop a personal plan for future action in order to develop foundational self-awareness and recognize broad-based professional competencies. (This class is restricted to incoming 1st year or global campus students.) Lecture 1 (Fall, Spring).
General Education-Artistic Perspective*
General Education-Global Perspective*
General Education-Ethical Perspective (BS)
General Education-Mathematical A Perspective (BS)
General Education-Mathematical B Perspective (BS)
Choose one of the following: (BFA)
General Education-Natural Science Inquiry Perspective
 General Education-Scientific Principles Perspective
General Education-Mathematical Perspective
Total Semester Credit Hours

Please see General Education Framework in the Graduation Requirements section of this bulletin for more information.

* Students pursuing the BFA program in photographic and imaging arts are to take any 100 level ARTH course for their artistic and global perspective.

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Program Contact
Christye Sisson, School Director and Gannett Chair