Shaun Foster Headshot

Shaun Foster


School of Design
College of Art and Design

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Shaun Foster


School of Design
College of Art and Design


BBA, University of Wisconsin; MFA, Rochester Institute of Technology


Shaun Foster (MFA) is a Professor of 3D Digital Design at the Rochester Institute of Technology.  With over 20 years of experience in 3D graphics and interactive educational design, he has worked on multiple award winning projects, has received multiple grants, and publishes and speaks regularly at top conferences.  His focus blends interactive real time 3D Graphics using the Unreal Engine, with emerging technology and next generation interfaces, including VR, AR, and Virtual Production and AI.  He is an RIT “AI Faculty Fellow” 2023-2025.  In addition, please check out my published tutorials on and    


Areas of Expertise

Select Scholarship

Invited Keynote/Presentation
Foster, Shaun. "New, Open-Source, Unreal Curriculum." Educator Livestream. Epic Games. Cary, NC. 14 Aug. 2020. Guest Lecture.
Invited Article/Publication
Foster, Shaun. "Edtech in Action: Optimizing Technical Learning Processes." Technology and Learning University. (2020). Web.
National/International Competition Award Winner
Foster, Shaun and David Long. Epic Games. Epic MegaGrant. Cary, NC, 2020.
Foster, Shaun. Epic Games. Epic Mega Grant. Rochester, NY, 2019.
Published Conference Proceedings
Foster, Shaun and Ihab Mardini. "Cross Disciplinary Virtual Reality For Lighting and Composition." Proceedings of the Light Sound and Interactive 2019. Ed. . Rochester, NY: n.p., Web.
Foster, Shaun and Ihab Mardini. "Cross Disciplinary Virtual Reality for Lighting and Composition (November Update)." Proceedings of the Frameless Labs 2019. Ed. Frameless Labs. Rochester, NY: n.p., Web.
Foster, Shaun. "Wind, Light and Seating XpeRience (XR)." Proceedings of the Framless Labs, Rochester, NY 2019. Ed. Framless Labs. Rochester, NY: Frameless Labs, Web.
Foster, Shaun. "VR/AR/MR Technology, Strategic Design & Case Studies." Proceedings of the Frameless Labs. Ed. Frameless Labs. Rochester, NY: Frameless Labs, 2018. Web.
Foster, Shaun. "Integrating Virtual Reality into 3d Design Curriculum." Proceedings of the EDULEARN 17. Ed. (none). Barcelona, Spain:, 2017. Print.
Foster, Shaun. "Keeping up with Educational Convergence: Virtual Reality & Internet of Things." Proceedings of the TCC online. Ed. Bert. Honolulu, Hawaii: TCC Online, 2017. Web.
Foster, Shaun and Carol Fillip. "Expanding Gestalt: Analyzing Opportunities for Visual Design Creation and Education by Combining Gestalt Principles with New Technologies." Proceedings of the EDULEARN13. Ed. L. Gomez Chova, A. Lopez Martinez, and I. Candel Torres (International Association of Technology, Education and Development). Barcelona, Spain: IATED, 2013. Print.
Foster, Shaun and David Halbstein. "Screencasting Strategies: Heuristics for Using Video Content in 3D Computer Graphics Technological and Aesthetic Education." Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH 2013. Ed. ACM / SIGGRAPH. Anaheim, CA: ACM, 2013. Print.
Book Chapter
Foster, Shaun and Jacob Brostoff. "Digital Doppelgängers: Converging Technologies and Techniques in 3D World Modeling, Video Game Design and Urban Design." Media Convergence Handbook - Vol. 2. Ed. Artur Lugmayr and Cinzia Dal Zotto. New York, NY: Springer, 2016. 175-189. Print.
Published Review
Foster, Shaun C. Rev. of How'd My Avatar Get Into That Sneaker Ad?, ed. Slate editorial staff. Slate 4 Jan. 2012: 3. Web.

Currently Teaching

1 - 6 Credits
This course exposes students to the professional environment through outside job opportunities in at places of employment that utilize three-dimensional software for various applications and other acceptable organizations. Students will work under the guidance of Art Directors, Technical Directors, or other professionals in the field and perform creative work that is educational and meaningful for their short-term academic goals as well as their long-range career preparation. Documentation of the experience is required and final review from employer is required documenting the kind and quality of work performed. Students must obtain pre-approval of their department and complete the Internship Approval Form. Credit earned is used toward elective or major elective credits.
1 - 6 Credits
3D Digital Design Independent Study will provide students with the ability to study in a specialized area with an individual faculty member. Students, with the assistance of a faculty advisor will propose a course of study. 3D Digital Design independent study students must obtain permission of an instructor and complete the Independent Study Permission Form to enroll.
1 - 4 Credits
Visual Communication Design Independent Study will allow students to obtain instruction in specialized areas of interest to enhance their individual course of study. Working with a faculty adviser, students will propose a focused curriculum related to their academic and/or future career interests. Visual Communication Design Independent Study students must obtain permission of an instructor to enroll.**NOTE: Student must have a minimum 3.0 GPA **