Ongoing initiative: T-Minus 151
Conceived by department chair Josh Owen, but implemented and led by ID Co-Chair Prof. Bruce Leonard, Prof. Amos Scully and additional collaborating faculty members ,T-Minus is an intensive, one-week project rallying together all students of the RIT Industrial Design department. Working with an all-consuming deadline, this project dedicates students to mixed year teams devoting their entire course load within the major to a single project. Each team is comprised of a representative from every level of the ID program; freshman to graduate level. The one-week project is launched on the first day of classes in the spring term with all students attending a presentation where the project scope and sponsor is revealed. The department partners with an industry sponsor to drive the criteria and offer an award to reward the winning team’s concept at the culminating presentation. The title ‘151’refers to the number of hours in the project from launch to
showcase end.

2017 Sponsor: Ganondagan
Design Challenge: Students focused on the user experience when visiting this historical Native American site. Alignment with Haudenosaunee values and the educational mission of the Ganondagan site were key considerations as students focused on three experiences: 4th grade field trips, wayfinding while on site, and resting stations located around the site.

2016 Sponsor: Modko
Design Challenge: Design for modern pets and their owners. Students focused on the challenge of traveling and living with pets in small spaces. Four categories were considered: Jumbo Litter Box, Pet Drinking Fountain, Cat Climbing Tree, and Pet Carriers.

2015 Sponsor: Allegion
Design Challenge: Door entry systems designed for an aging population.

2014 Sponsor: Lazzoni Furniture
Design Challenge: Design a student lounge for CIAS. Teams must create space(s) that consider the possibilities of interacting, relaxation, personal study, waypoint, destination, or a meeting point; in short, multifunction as framed by the Lazzoni brand, "New York Functional Furniture." The lounge design and location(s) will be determined by the individual teams with consideration of