Deaf Leadership Immersion

Overview for Deaf Leadership Immersion

The Deaf leadership immersion provides students with an opportunity to explore aspects of community development and leadership with special emphasis on ethics, rhetoric, social media communication, intersectionality, current national and international trends, and accessible technology.

Notes about this immersion:

  • Immersions are a series of three related general education courses and are intended to provide opportunities for learning outside of a student’s major area. Immersions may be in areas that will complement a student’s program but may not overlap with program requirements.
  • This immersion is closed to students majoring in community development and inclusive leadership.
  • Students are required to complete at least one course at the 300-level or above as part of the immersion.

The plan code for Deaf Leadership Immersion is LEADEAF-IM.

Curriculum Update in Process for 2024-2025 for Deaf Leadership Immersion

Current Students: See Curriculum Requirements

Choose three of the following:
 Dimensions of Ethical Community Leadership
This course provides an introduction to ethical theories, concepts, and practices as they relate to community development and inclusive leadership. Some of the topics in this course include: ethical definitions and ethical literacy, individual and group ethics, ethical principles and codes of practice, moral reasoning and behavior, ethical decision-making formats, leadership and followership, intersectionality, and accessibility. These topics will be approached through the use of ethical theories, including: Utilitarianism, Deontology/Kant’s Categorical Perspective, Rawl’s Justice as Fairness, Aristotelian, Confucianism, and Altriusm. Students will learn how to apply these theories using a pluralistic approach. With a focus on ethical leadership experiences and decision-making, students will engage in self-analysis and reflection to develop a deeper ethical self-awareness and cultural awareness in this course. Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring).
 Shaping Educational and Legal Policy
This course will provide an introduction of legal and educational policies that impact the Deaf community. The course will focus on the national and state legislative and policy making structures and processes, the Americans with Disabilities Act and related laws policy. Against the broad background of current legal policy, the course will also focus on the various styles of leadership within a range of educational settings including but not limited to: early identification and intervention, K – 12, post-secondary, and adult. This course will involve learning about educational laws and policies, including the analysis and development of mock policies. In addition, students will gain a broad understanding of how advocacy, lobbying, and political movements can lead to successful and positive results regarding the education of Deaf and hard of hearing students. (Prerequisites: LEAD-101 and LEAD-102 or equivalent courses.) Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring).
 Communication Strategies for Leadership
This course centers on rhetoric as the art of persuasion and connection to explore how leaders use rhetorical strategies to communicate their message and persuade their target audiences. Students learn significant rhetorical and communication strategies for conveying valuable knowledge and a leadership vision that persuades audiences and motivates communities. Students analyze communication practices by leaders in video-recorded historical and contemporary speeches drawn from multiple sources, including new media and visual narratives. Students will become skilled in their use of multiple rhetorical devices and communication strategies to connect with their audiences and accomplish their purposes as leaders. Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring).
 Social Media Communication and Leadership
Social media is a valuable leadership tool. This course focuses on social media communication and leadership and provides an overview of how to strategize, create, and evaluate social media activities used by leaders and organizations. Students will build their own social media brand and design accessible and inclusive content using prominent theories and approaches that guide successful social media practice. To examine the constantly evolving social media landscape, real-time case studies, ethical and psychological issues, and current social trends are integrated throughout the course. Lecture 3 (Fall).
 Literatures of Intersectionality
Leaders of social justice movements work towards visions of a better world—one that dismantles systemic barriers and injustices. This course will turn to intersectional fiction writing to examine how literature can contribute to social justice movements. In other words, we will ask how reading literatures of intersectionality may foster social justice movements. In doing so, we will situate contemporary intersectional literature in their historical contexts—looking to the theory and writing of feminist women-of-color, queer studies, disability studies, Indigenous studies, and Deaf studies. We will read some of these theories as literature and literature as theory—with attention to interlocking forms of oppression and privilege. Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring).
 International Deaf Leadership and Community Development
The challenges and opportunities for deaf community development vary from one country to another. This course focuses on the skills and best practices for deaf community leaders to implement in their countries of origin. Students will be introduced to international laws that support deaf and their communities. The achievements of past and current international deaf community leaders will be studied and used as a model for identifying the needs of communities and mobilizing community action. This course is designed for international and domestic students who are committed to making positive organizational changes. (Prerequisites: LEAD-306 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring).
 Leadership in the Deaf Community
This course will introduce historical and current issues regarding leadership and the Deaf/Hard of Hearing (D/HH) community. Students will learn about D/HH leaders in the Deaf community over the years, examine movements that have impacted the lives of D/HH individuals, and finally, learn about influential organizations of, by, and for D/HH individuals. Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring).
 Leadership and Accessible Technology
This course equips students with tools for understanding principles and uses of accessible technologies, such as captioned media, mobile applications, and voice recognition software, with a focus on how deaf and hard-of-hearing leaders and organizations work to ensure access to communication. This course is built on the framework of access as a continual process in which users advocate for the needs of their community. This course establishes the legal requirements that mandate access technologies, such as captioned media, and reviews how leaders have campaigned for increased access to media. These underlying principles inform the course’s overriding exploration of the benefits and limitations of current technologies that may not be fully accessible; how current leaders and leading organizations utilize access technologies to facilitate signed, spoken, and written communication; and current work on the next generation of access technologies. The readings, assignments, and discussions in this course will encourage students to recognize how access technologies can support individuals as well as how leaders can serve as advocates who work to fight for improved access to communication and other resources in their communities. Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring).
 Current Trends in Community Development and Leadership
This course includes an overview of the current trends in community development and leadership. Content includes best practices and topics for community development and leadership, as well as pertinent laws, policies, resources and information. Students will participate in and critique a designated set of lectures, roundtable discussions and presentations on topics covering current trends in community development and inclusive leadership. The goal is to engage students in discussion of current trends with their peers and with experts in the field. Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring).