News by Topic: Experiential Learning

  • January 31, 2022

    students waiting in line at a career fair.

    Co-ops give students edge in job market

    More than 5,000 RIT students receive experiential learning by completing a co-op each year, often getting a foot in the door to a new career upon graduation. Started in 1912, RIT’s successful co-op program, one of the oldest in the nation, is also a resource for companies wanting skilled RIT students to work for them.

  • January 31, 2022

    student using pipette as researcher looks on.

    Undergraduate research on the rise at RIT

    With the help of strong mentors, undergraduate researchers cultivate critical thinking, collaboration, and problem-solving skills. Conducting research can help students synthesize concepts they learned in their classes to create something new.

  • January 31, 2022

    student cybersecurity team huddling around two computer screens.

    Students take home top prizes at collegiate competitions

    For RIT students, the learning doesn’t stop when classes end. In 2021, three student teams took what they’re learning and used it to win national and international competitions in cybersecurity, racing, and design.

  • January 31, 2022

    people in an art gallery looking at jewelry and prints.

    University initiatives helping drive downtown resurgence

    RIT is contributing to Rochester’s revitalization efforts in a significant way, bringing a creative energy and economic development acumen translating into important arts, cultural, educational, and economic opportunities for the city.

  • January 31, 2022

    artist rendering of the exterior of a brick academic building.

    Gifts make Saunders College expansion possible

    RIT business students can expect major changes to Max Lowenthal Hall, home of Saunders College of Business, after the completion of a more than $20 million expansion and renovation project in fall 2023.

  • January 31, 2022

    student research in waders in a lake with a pole and a measuring device.

    Tait Preserve becoming hotbed for interdisciplinary research

    RIT has an emerging new hotspot for interdisciplinary research about 25 minutes from the main campus. The Tait Preserve includes a 60-acre lake and a private mile of Irondequoit Creek adjacent to Ellison Park, offering endless opportunities for research, education, and conservation activities.

  • January 31, 2022

    student working on a dress pattern.

    Students build businesses during entrepreneurial gap year

    Gap Year Entrepreneurship Fellowships allow students to take time off from classes to focus on their growing business, new product, or compelling social innovation opportunity. In addition to the finances, RIT supports the students with mentoring and progress toward a degree.

  • December 17, 2021

    scenic view of Dubrovnik, Croatia.

    RIT launches European Post-High School Semester program to ease college transition

    High school graduates who seek a self-reflection opportunity before fully deciding on and entering into college have a new alternative through RIT. The RIT European Post-High School Semester program allows recent high school graduates to use Dubrovnik, Croatia, as their home base while they take classes, conduct research, embark on excursions across Europe, and build friendships and mentorships along the way.