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Stories related to "experiential learning"

  • December 16, 2021

    artists rendering of the James Webb Space Telescope.

    Multiple RIT scientists contribute to the newest space telescope

    When the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) launches, it will mark the culmination of nearly 30 years of development on the most powerful observational instrument ever made. Numerous members of RIT’s College of Science have been involved in its creation or will work on projects once it becomes operational.

  • December 6, 2021

    the Vela pulsar, a rapidly rotating neutron star.

    RIT scientists develop machine learning techniques to shed new light on pulsars

    New machine learning techniques developed by scientists at Rochester Institute of Technology are revealing important information about how pulsars—rapidly rotating neutron stars—behave. In a new study published by Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, the researchers outlined their new techniques and how they applied to study Vela, the brightest radio pulsar in the sky.

  • December 2, 2021

    group of men walking on the campus of RIT Dubai.

    RIT Dubai hosts Sheikh Hamdan for the grand opening of new campus

    RIT Dubai held a grand opening ceremony to dedicate its state-of-the-art new campus in the Dubai Silicon Oasis on Nov. 28. Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of The Executive Council of Dubai, toured the facilities and inaugurated RIT Dubai’s new home designed for interactive learning along with RIT President David Munson, RIT Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration James Watters, and RIT Dubai President Yousef al Assaf.

  • December 1, 2021

    student in a studio filming a person sitting on a motorcycle.

    RIT educates tomorrow’s experts in virtual production

    MAGIC Spell Studios, RIT’s world-class digital media research and production facility, is bringing the latest in virtual production (VP) technology to RIT students. VP blends filmmaking, 3D graphics, computational photography, and real-time game engine rendering to produce in-camera visual effects similar to those seen in the groundbreaking work on Disney’s The Mandalorian and Marvel’s Avenger films.

  • December 1, 2021

    exterior of Golisano Computing building at dusk.

    From floppy disks to the cloud

    In 2001, the dot-com bubble was bursting and investors had lost confidence in internet companies. Twenty years later, data has become a new currency, and people can access just about anything from their smartphones. Throughout all these changes, Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences has evolved into the largest college at RIT, with more than 4,600 students this year. Since its creation 20 years ago, GCCIS has awarded more than 14,000 degrees—in a growing number of computing disciplines.

  • November 29, 2021

    person stadning in front of a TV screen with the Super Mario Bros. opening scene.

    Museum studies alumna discovers rare ‘Super Mario Bros. 3’ video game demo

    While processing a box of donated items, Kirsten Feigel ’15 (museum studies), a cataloguer for Strong National Museum of Play, came across a rare piece of video game history—a demo of Super Mario Bros. 3 that was created in 1990 by id Software in an attempt to persuade Nintendo to partner with them to develop a version of the game for PC computers.

  • November 19, 2021

    side-by-side portraits of Honors students Swathi Jacob, Bo Allaby, and Sarah Henretta.

    Dozens of Honors Program students present Saturday

    Attitudes about the COVID-19 vaccine, how sleep and age can affect memory, and how bodily secretions impact wounds are just three of the varied subjects to be discussed Saturday at the Honors Research and Creativity Symposium.

  • November 18, 2021

    aerial view of campus buildings.

    Brown Hall begins its evolution to research lab facilities

    Brown Hall will get a face-lift as it becomes a new location for several science and engineering research laboratories. Work is expected to begin on the redesign of the building, on the west side of campus, which previously housed offices of RIT’s Division of Marketing and Communications and several classrooms.

  • November 16, 2021

    student wearing hard hat and clean suit working on rocket equipment.

    RIT astrophysics graduate students conduct experiment at White Sands Missile Range

    Serena Tramm and Mike Ortiz are pursuing their studies in astrophysics and have been working alongside Michael Zemcov, assistant professor in RIT’s School of Physics and Astronomy. Together, the team conducted an experiment that resulted in traveling to New Mexico’s White Sands Missile Range for the first CIBER-2 launch earlier this year.