Studio Arts Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree

Studio Arts
Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree
- RIT /
- Rochester Institute of Technology /
- Academics /
- Studio Arts BFA
Overview for Studio Arts BFA
Why Study Studio Arts at RIT
Focused Degree Options: Your choice of studio arts options including ceramics, furniture design, glass, metals and jewelry design, painting, printmaking, and sculpture and expanded forms.
Exhibit your Work: During senior year, your final body of work will be featured in a gallery.
College Preparation Workshops: High school juniors and seniors can participate in the two-week School of Art's annual Pre-College Portfolio Preparation Workshop.
A studio art major focuses on the development of artistic skills and the creation of visual or fine art so you can pursue a career as a professional artist and more depending on your individual career goals and specialization. RIT’s fine and studio art major offers options in ceramics, furniture design, glass, metals and jewelry design, painting, printmaking, and sculpture and expanded forms.
RIT’s Bachelor in Studio Arts
Acquire the conceptual and technical skills required to succeed as creative professional in a community that is fostered through shared experiences and facilitated programs.
- Engage in comprehensive inquiry that expands and supports your subject matter knowledge, ideation through sketches and models, articulation of a rationale for the application of media and process, and finally the refinement of your work through editing and critique.
- Explore a wide scope of visual arts and study their cultural relevance through visiting artists, trips to museums, and attendance at professional conferences.
- Exhibit you final body of work in a gallery during your senior year
- Receive guidance and partake in experiential projects focusing on the presentation of work, self-promotion, business practice, and issues of professional engagement within the field help you thrive as creative professionals after graduation.
- Learn from inspiring artists in the field. Faculty members are active artists who exhibit widely and are committed to diverse approaches to art-making. They offer support and networking opportunities as students emerge as professionals.
Studio Arts Options
A studio arts major with a variety of options available.
The studio arts major offers a variety of options for you to delve further into your studio art topic of interest. You may choose an option in one of the following areas:
- Ceramics–The ceramics option supports a range of fundamental topics within ceramics and the development of professional and practical skills necessary to operate a studio business.
- Furniture design–The furniture design option engages students in the pursuit of their creative interests while providing a comprehensive technical background in contemporary woodworking.
- Glass–The glass option cultivates each student’s creative potential with glass through studio instruction in glassblowing, flame-working, glass imaging processes, and more.
- Metals and jewelry design–The metals and jewelry design option focuses on design, aesthetics, as well as material and process mastery.
- Painting–Students selecting the painting option engage in contemporary visual art practice through a personal exploration of painting techniques.
- Printmaking–The printmaking option addresses a wide variety of media, tools, and both traditional and technological techniques, as well as theoretical concepts to facilitate skill development and experimentation processes.
- Sculpture and Expanded Forms– The sculpture and expanded forms option cultivates the use of three-dimensional space and four-dimensional time through various materials and techniques from traditional bronze casting and stone carving to digital printing and installations.
What can you do with a studio art degree?
The specific career path can you choose can vary depending on an your specialization and career goals. Upon completion of the studio art BFA, you may choose to continue you education at the graduate level or begin your career by setting up independent studios and exhibiting your work.
Like our recent graduates, you may also find employment in:
- The fields of art therapy
- Art criticism
- Art restoration/ Archival
- Gallery and museum management
- Set and display design
- Marketing and advertising
- Education
- Auction houses
- Art foundries
- Metal fabrication shops
- Artist residencies
- Non-profit art institutions
- Other creative industries
Gain Real-World Experience with Hands-On Opportunities
Pre-College Portfolio Preparation Workshop
The School of Art's annual Pre-College Portfolio Preparation Workshop is a two-week visual arts class designed to prepare the portfolios of rising high school juniors and seniors for admission to college art programs.
Students also have the opportunity to gain invaluable hands-on experience through participation in paid cooperative education and internships offered through streamlined art and design co-ops.
Enhance Your Studio Art Major and Further your Education
Combined Accelerated Bachelor's/Master's Degree
Today’s careers require advanced degrees grounded in real-world experience. RIT’s Combined Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s Degrees enable you to earn both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in as little as five years of study, all while gaining the valuable hands-on experience that comes from co-ops, internships, research, study abroad, and more.
+1 MBA: Students who enroll in a qualifying undergraduate degree have the opportunity to add an MBA to their bachelor’s degree after their first year of study, depending on their program. Learn how the +1 MBA can. accelerate your learning and position you for success.
Accepted Student Open House
Visit campus on March 29 or April 5 to meet faculty, tour campus, and ask your questions.
Careers and Experiential Learning
Typical Job Titles
Advertising Director | Appraiser | Art Auctioneer |
Art Buyer | Art Director | Art Exhibit Coordinator |
Art Teacher | Artistic Director | Book/Magazine Illustrator |
Caricaturist | Courtroom Artist | Craft Artist |
Creative Director | Custom Printer | Designer |
Exhibit Coordinator | Exhibit Designer | Exhibition Curator |
Fine Artist | Furniture Designer | Gaffer |
Gallery Director | Gallery Owner/Curator | Gallery Preparator |
Glass Artist | Glass Education | Greeting Card Artist |
Independent Artist | Jeweler | Mural Artist |
Museum Curator | Painter | Photographer |
Print Maker | Professional Artist Assistant | Public Demonstration Artist |
Sculptor | Silkscreen Artist | Small Business Owner/Operator |
Studio Artist | Studio Technician |
Performing and Fine Arts
Retail Stores
Advertising, PR, and Marketing
Cooperative Education and Internships
What’s different about an RIT education? It’s the career experience you gain by completing cooperative education and internships with top companies in every single industry. You’ll earn more than a degree. You’ll gain real-world career experience that sets you apart. It’s exposure–early and often–to a variety of professional work environments, career paths, and industries.
Cooperative education, internships, and other experiential learning opportunities are optional but strongly encouraged for students in the BFA in studio arts.
Creative Industry Days
Connect with Design Industry Leaders
RIT’s Office of Career Services and Cooperative Education hosts Creative Industry Days, which connects students majoring in art, design, film and animation, photography, and select computing majors with companies, organizations, creative agencies, design firms, and more. Creative Industry Days are a series of events that allow you to network with company representatives and interview directly for open co-op and full-time employment positions.
Featured Work and Profiles
Building a Pipe Organ
A skilled designer and musician, Kelly Cleveland '21 (Furniture Design) constructed an awe-inspiring handmade pipe organ for his capstone project.
Read More about Building a Pipe Organ -
Public Sculpture
Juan Carlos Caballero-Perez, professor of Metals and Jewelry Design, created a near-12-foot sculpture for the Village of Fairport, N.Y.’s Kennelly Park, outside the public library. It was the...
Read More about Public Sculpture -
Drawing II Course - Self-Portrait
Denton Crawford Foundations students in Denton Crawford's Drawing II course complete vibrant self-portrait drawings with expressive colors.
Read More about Drawing II Course - Self-Portrait -
Intro to Sculpture Course
Christina Leung Get an inside look at the welding assignment in faculty Christina Leung's Intro to Sculpture course. Majors from across RIT's College of Art and Design welded metal sculptures that were publicly...
Read More about Intro to Sculpture Course -
2024 Fulbright Scholar: Emma Herz Thakur
Herz Thakur, a ceramics and illustration double major, will study collections sourced from former French colonies at the National Museum of Natural History.
Read More about 2024 Fulbright Scholar: Emma Herz Thakur -
Student Merges Art and Engineering to Revolutionize Glucose Monitoring
Dylan Bennish ’24 BS, MS (electrical engineering) blends art with engineering to screen print textile antennas capable of tracking glucose levels with more cost-effective and less invasive methods.
Read More about Student Merges Art and Engineering to Revolutionize Glucose Monitoring
Curriculum for 2024-2025 for Studio Arts BFA
Current Students: See Curriculum Requirements
Studio Arts (ceramics option), BFA degree, typical course sequence
Course | Sem. Cr. Hrs. | |
First Year | ||
ARTH-1## | Any 100-level ARTH Course (General Education – Artistic Perspective) |
3 |
ARTH-1## | Any 100-level ARTH Course (General Education – Global Perspective) |
3 |
FDTN-111 | Drawing I This course is an introduction to the visualization of form, thought, and expression through the drawing process and is the first of two sequential courses that are the foundation of the drawing curriculum in the College of Art and Design. Concepts are introduced by lectures, discussions, and demonstrations which are designed to provide a broad introductory experience. Students will experiment with a wide variety of media, tools, techniques and subjects to develop drawing and problem-solving skills related to form and composition. The focus of the course is to provide awareness of the full range of ways in which drawing is used as a tool for both self-expression and communication. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
FDTN-121 | 2D Design I This course is an introduction to the basic elements and principles of two-dimensional design and is foundational to the College of Art and Design curriculum. The focus of this course is the development of visual and verbal vocabularies as a means of exploring and understanding two-dimensional design. Students will engage with a wide variety of media, tools, and techniques to develop skills while delving into the theoretical and experimentational processes of contemporary art and design. The exploration of historical and cultural themes and concepts intertwined with aspects of personal interpretation and experience will be included in the curriculum. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
FDTN-131 | 3D Design I This course presents a progressive study in terminology, visual principles, exploration, concept generation, process, and techniques of three-dimensional design and is foundational to the College of Art and Design curriculum. Using hands-on problem solving, student will develop an informed understanding of the three-dimensional form and space with an emphasis on the elements and principles of visual design and their function as the building blocks and guidelines for ordering a three-dimensional composition. A heightened awareness of form and space will be developed through lecture, assigned projects, and critiques. Students will also develop a personal awareness of problem seeking and solving, experimentation and critical analysis. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
Choose one of the following: | 3 |
FDTN-112 | Drawing II From observation of still life, the figure, and interior/exterior spaces, Drawing II continues to build on the foundation of the College of Art and Design drawing curriculum. This course continues the study of traditional drawing mediums and techniques while introducing color and a selection of contemporary practices and tools through examining organic and geometric mark making, form, space and value. Core concepts are introduced by lectures, discussions, and demonstrations; the primary assessment method of course work will be through critiques which facilitate growth of both a visual and verbal vocabulary. The focus of the course is to provide awareness of the full range of ways in which drawing is used as a tool for self-expression, communication and continued development of creative practice and problem solving. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** (Prerequisites: FDTN-111 or ITDI-211 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
FDTN-212 | Drawing II Workshop: Topics This course is an investigation of the visualization of form, thought and expression through the drawing process. This workshop provides students with the opportunity to learn more about a particular experience in drawing while still covering required foundation elements. Different topics may be taken in the same semester. Topics may only be taken once. Concepts are introduced by lectures, discussions, demonstrations, research and assigned projects.. The focus of the course is to provide awareness of the full range of ways in which drawing is used as a tool for both self-expression and communication. (Prerequisites: FDTN-111 or ITDI-211 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Spring). |
Choose one of the following: | 3 |
FDTN-132 | 3D Design II This course is the second course in the three-dimensional design curriculum and is foundational to the College of Art and Design education. The focus of the course is on composing three-dimensional form and its relationship to space. Students will build on their prior term experiences, which include the introduction to three-dimensional principles, materials, and building processes. Students will develop the sophisticated skill of conceptualization. More advanced problems will be assigned, and students will have the opportunity to explore a wide range of material and process possibilities for their resolution. A heightened awareness of idea development and design research will be explored. Inclusion of 21st century themes in the arts of social cultural and community. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** (Prerequisites: FDTN-131 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
FDTN-232 | 3D Design II Workshop: Topic This workshop provides students with the opportunity to learn more about 3D compositions within a more open and experimental realm while still covering the core Foundation concepts. Different topics may be taken in the same semester. Topics may only be taken once. The focus is on composing three-dimensional form and its
relationship to space. Material exposure will be determined by the topic’s instructor. (Prerequisites: FDTN-131 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Spring). |
YOPS-10 | RIT 365: RIT Connections RIT 365 students participate in experiential learning opportunities designed to launch them into their career at RIT, support them in making multiple and varied connections across the university, and immerse them in processes of competency development. Students will plan for and reflect on their first-year experiences, receive feedback, and develop a personal plan for future action in order to develop foundational self-awareness and recognize broad-based professional competencies. (This class is restricted to incoming 1st year or global campus students.) Lecture 1 (Fall, Spring). |
0 |
CAD Studio Elective† |
3 | |
General Education – First-Year Writing (WI) |
3 | |
General Education – Social Perspective |
3 | |
Second Year | ||
CCER-206 | Ceramic Sculptural Processes This introductory course is designed to give the student an understanding of a variety of basic processes involved in creating hand-built ceramic objects, sculpture, and pottery vessels. There will be an emphasis on manipulating clay using forming techniques such as pinch, coil, solid, and slab building. Students will learn surface finishing processes such as textures and surface carving and decorating with slips, glaze applications, and gain a perspective on material science. The historical, cultural, and technical concerns of ceramics will be explored. These experiences will broaden the students' perspectives of ceramic art and its relationship to the larger world of art. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** (Prerequisites: FDTN-111 or CCER-124 or CCER-128 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall). |
3 |
CCER-211 | Thrown Vessel Forms This course will introduce the student to beginning wheel forming techniques used in the ideation and creation of utilitarian vessels. There will be a focus on form, function and surface development. Students will engage in a variety finishing processes for surface development as well as slip and glaze application. Students will gain an understanding of a variety of firing techniques, as well as an introduction to material science to better understand the properties clay and glaze composition. The historical, cultural, and technical concerns of ceramics will be explored. These experiences will broaden the students' perspectives of ceramic art and its relationship to the larger world of art. Students will be expected to research areas of interest within ceramic history.**Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** (Prerequisites: FDTN-111 or CCER-124 or CCER-128 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
CCER-507 | Mold Mechanisms This course will concentrate on the fundamentals of plasterwork, mold-making, and slip-casting. Students will first engage in a series of directed exercises to build proficiency, and then apply what they’ve learned to the production of complex mold systems. By way of experimentation, students will broaden conceptualization of positive and negative spatial relationships while developing problem solving capacity. Supporting information relating to historical, cultural, and scientific concerns will be provided to broaden the students' perspectives of ceramic art, design, and industry, as well as its relationship to the larger world of art. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** (Prerequisites: CCER-124 or CCER-128 or FDTN-131 or SCUL-201 or SCUL-269 or equivalent courses.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
CCER-513 | Thrown Sculptural Forms This course will introduce students to intermediate forming techniques used in the ideation and creation of both utilitarian and sculptural vessels. There will be a focus on form, surface development, and aesthetics. The student will gain experience with firing methodologies. The students will also work with material science to better understand clay and glaze chemistry. The historical, cultural, and technical concerns of ceramics will be explored. These experiences will broaden the students' perspectives of ceramic art and its relationship to the larger world of art. Students will be expected to research areas of interest within ceramic history or the field at large. This course will introduce students to the skills that are necessary for creating a variety of forms through assigned projects. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** (Prerequisites: FDTN-111 or CCER-124 or CCER-128 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
FDTN-141 | 4D Design 4D Design introduces students to the basic concepts of art and design in time and space. The course explores elements of moving images such as continuity, still and moving image editing, transitions and syntax, sound and image relations, and principles of movement. Computers, video, photo, sound and lighting equipment are used to create short-form time-based work relevant to students in all majors and programs required to take this course. The course addresses the both historical conventions of time in art and recent technological advances, which are redefining the fields of Fine Art and Design. In focusing on the relations between students' spacing and timing skills, 4D Design extends and supplements the other Foundation courses, and prepares students for further work with time-based media. (Undergraduate Art and Design) Lab 5 (Fall, Spring). |
3 |
STAR-503 | CAD Drawing This class covers basic CAD (computer-aided design) drawing for both design and presentation. Topics covered will include a broad range of drawing types, three-dimensional modeling, and presentation techniques. The course includes demonstrations, lectures, group-discussions, projects, and presentations. At the completion of this course students will use skills obtained in CAD orthographic drawing and 3-dimensional modeling to refine and present ideas and projects. Lec/Lab 5 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
General Education – Immersion 1 (WI-GE) |
3 | |
Art History Elective‡ |
3 | |
General Education – Ethical Perspective |
3 | |
Choose one of the following: | 3 |
General Education – Natural Science Inquiry Perspective |
General Education – Scientific Principles Perspective |
General Education – Mathematical Perspective A or B |
Third Year | ||
CCER-501 | Ceramic Practice Students will continue advanced research into their technical, aesthetic and conceptual understanding of ceramics. In this course, students create a proposal which will guide their research and practice. Working with faculty to explore individual directions, students will produce finished artwork for their senior capstone exhibition. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** (Co-requisite: CCER-511 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
6 |
CCER-511 | Ceramics Processes Students will build upon their experience to further advance the technical, aesthetic and conceptual understanding of ceramic form and surface. This course will work from a set of prompts which will provide parameters for building individual bodies of work in a variety of different forming processes. Students will work from conceptual and contextual prompts to gain insight and build skills with advanced forming processes, surface investigation, idea development, and documentation. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** (Prerequisites: CCER-206 or CCER-211 or CCER-507 or CCER-512 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
6 |
STAR-311 | Ideation and Series This course will examine appropriate skills and strategies to generate ideas and develop them effectively. Through personal and group generative idea exercises, journaling and research students will explore individual ideas and personal interests to produce a final series of creative works. (Prerequisites: FDTN-141 or equivalent course or students enrolled in the WOOD-AOS program.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
Art History Elective‡ |
3 | |
General Education – Immersion 2 |
3 | |
CAD Studio Elective† |
3 | |
General Education – Elective |
3 | |
Open Elective |
3 | |
Fourth Year | ||
CCER-501 | Ceramic Practice Students will continue advanced research into their technical, aesthetic and conceptual understanding of ceramics. In this course, students create a proposal which will guide their research and practice. Working with faculty to explore individual directions, students will produce finished artwork for their senior capstone exhibition. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** (Co-requisite: CCER-511 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
6 |
CCER-511 | Ceramic Processes Students will build upon their experience to further advance the technical, aesthetic and conceptual understanding of ceramic form and surface. This course will work from a set of prompts which will provide parameters for building individual bodies of work in a variety of different forming processes. Students will work from conceptual and contextual prompts to gain insight and build skills with advanced forming processes, surface investigation, idea development, and documentation. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** (Prerequisites: CCER-206 or CCER-211 or CCER-507 or CCER-512 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
STAR-401 | Senior Capstone This course will focus on the production and exhibition of a representative body of artwork. Students will participate in an articulated process of making, engaging in comprehensive research that expands and supports their work, developing a rationale for the use of media and process, creating sketches and models, and the refining work through critiquing and editing. All of this will culminate in the professional presentation of oral, written, and visual work that contextualizes the students’ positions within contemporary artistic practice. Students will also be involved in every aspect of their senior shows from creating the work to installing the exhibition and preparing marketing materials. (Prerequisites: STAR-311 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Spring). |
3 |
STAR-411 | Business Practices for Artists (WI-PR) This course is devoted to the practical business issues that artists must address, such as: building and maintaining a portfolio, pricing, engaging established and emerging marketing strategies, public relations, and the professional presence. Students will develop the skills necessary to create a sustainable post-academic studio practice. Financial organization, communication, and networking, as well as archiving, grant writing, and interfacing with exhibition opportunities will be explored through research projects, writing assignments, and group discussion. (Prerequisites: STAR-311 or equivalent course or student standing in WOOD-AOS.) Lecture 3 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
CAD Studio Elective† |
3 | |
General Education – Immersion 3 |
3 | |
Open Electives |
9 | |
Total Semester Credit Hours | 120 |
Please see General Education Curriculum (GE) for more information.
(WI) Refers to a writing intensive course within the major.
* Please see Wellness Education Requirement for more information. Students completing bachelor's degrees are required to complete two different Wellness courses.
† CAD Studio Electives are any College of Art and Design course with a lab or studio component.
‡ Art History electives are non-studio courses searchable in SIS with the Art History attribute of ARTH and are 200-level and above.
Studio Arts (expanded forms option), BFA degree, typical course sequence
Course | Sem. Cr. Hrs. | |
First Year | ||
ARTH-1## | Any 100-level ARTH Course (General Education – Artistic Perspective) |
3 |
ARTH-1## | Any 100-level ARTH Course (General Education – Global Perspective) |
3 |
FDTN-111 | Drawing I This course is an introduction to the visualization of form, thought, and expression through the drawing process and is the first of two sequential courses that are the foundation of the drawing curriculum in the College of Art and Design. Concepts are introduced by lectures, discussions, and demonstrations which are designed to provide a broad introductory experience. Students will experiment with a wide variety of media, tools, techniques and subjects to develop drawing and problem-solving skills related to form and composition. The focus of the course is to provide awareness of the full range of ways in which drawing is used as a tool for both self-expression and communication. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
FDTN-121 | 2D Design I This course is an introduction to the basic elements and principles of two-dimensional design and is foundational to the College of Art and Design curriculum. The focus of this course is the development of visual and verbal vocabularies as a means of exploring and understanding two-dimensional design. Students will engage with a wide variety of media, tools, and techniques to develop skills while delving into the theoretical and experimentational processes of contemporary art and design. The exploration of historical and cultural themes and concepts intertwined with aspects of personal interpretation and experience will be included in the curriculum. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
FDTN-131 | 3D Design I This course presents a progressive study in terminology, visual principles, exploration, concept generation, process, and techniques of three-dimensional design and is foundational to the College of Art and Design curriculum. Using hands-on problem solving, student will develop an informed understanding of the three-dimensional form and space with an emphasis on the elements and principles of visual design and their function as the building blocks and guidelines for ordering a three-dimensional composition. A heightened awareness of form and space will be developed through lecture, assigned projects, and critiques. Students will also develop a personal awareness of problem seeking and solving, experimentation and critical analysis. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
Choose one of the following: | 3 |
FDTN-112 | Drawing II From observation of still life, the figure, and interior/exterior spaces, Drawing II continues to build on the foundation of the College of Art and Design drawing curriculum. This course continues the study of traditional drawing mediums and techniques while introducing color and a selection of contemporary practices and tools through examining organic and geometric mark making, form, space and value. Core concepts are introduced by lectures, discussions, and demonstrations; the primary assessment method of course work will be through critiques which facilitate growth of both a visual and verbal vocabulary. The focus of the course is to provide awareness of the full range of ways in which drawing is used as a tool for self-expression, communication and continued development of creative practice and problem solving. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** (Prerequisites: FDTN-111 or ITDI-211 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
FDTN-212 | Drawing II Workshop: Topics This course is an investigation of the visualization of form, thought and expression through the drawing process. This workshop provides students with the opportunity to learn more about a particular experience in drawing while still covering required foundation elements. Different topics may be taken in the same semester. Topics may only be taken once. Concepts are introduced by lectures, discussions, demonstrations, research and assigned projects.. The focus of the course is to provide awareness of the full range of ways in which drawing is used as a tool for both self-expression and communication. (Prerequisites: FDTN-111 or ITDI-211 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Spring). |
Choose one of the following: | 3 |
FDTN-122 | 2D Design II This course is the second part of the sequential two-dimensional design curriculum within the College of Art and Design. This course builds on the broad introductory experiences in 2D I; students will expand their visual and verbal vocabulary while exploring advanced design concepts through interdisciplinary activities, practices, and exploration. The themes and concepts explored in this course are intertwined with aspects of personal interpretation and experience alongside historical and cultural themes. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** (Prerequisites: FDTN-121 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
FDTN-222 | 2D Design II Workshop: Topic This workshop provides students with the opportunity to learn more about 2D compositions within a more open and experimental approach while still covering the core foundational 2D design II concepts. Different topics may be taken in the same semester, but unique topics may only be taken once. Material and conceptual focus will be determined by the faculty proposing each unique topic. (Prerequisites: FDTN-121 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Spring). |
Choose one of the following: | 3 |
FDTN-132 | 3D Design II This course is the second course in the three-dimensional design curriculum and is foundational to the College of Art and Design education. The focus of the course is on composing three-dimensional form and its relationship to space. Students will build on their prior term experiences, which include the introduction to three-dimensional principles, materials, and building processes. Students will develop the sophisticated skill of conceptualization. More advanced problems will be assigned, and students will have the opportunity to explore a wide range of material and process possibilities for their resolution. A heightened awareness of idea development and design research will be explored. Inclusion of 21st century themes in the arts of social cultural and community. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** (Prerequisites: FDTN-131 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
FDTN-232 | 3D Design II Workshop: Topic This workshop provides students with the opportunity to learn more about 3D compositions within a more open and experimental realm while still covering the core Foundation concepts. Different topics may be taken in the same semester. Topics may only be taken once. The focus is on composing three-dimensional form and its
relationship to space. Material exposure will be determined by the topic’s instructor. (Prerequisites: FDTN-131 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Spring). |
YOPS-10 | RIT 365: RIT Connections RIT 365 students participate in experiential learning opportunities designed to launch them into their career at RIT, support them in making multiple and varied connections across the university, and immerse them in processes of competency development. Students will plan for and reflect on their first-year experiences, receive feedback, and develop a personal plan for future action in order to develop foundational self-awareness and recognize broad-based professional competencies. (This class is restricted to incoming 1st year or global campus students.) Lecture 1 (Fall, Spring). |
0 |
General Education – First-Year Writing (WI) |
3 | |
General Education – Social Perspective |
3 | |
Second Year | ||
FDTN-141 | 4D Design 4D Design introduces students to the basic concepts of art and design in time and space. The course explores elements of moving images such as continuity, still and moving image editing, transitions and syntax, sound and image relations, and principles of movement. Computers, video, photo, sound and lighting equipment are used to create short-form time-based work relevant to students in all majors and programs required to take this course. The course addresses the both historical conventions of time in art and recent technological advances, which are redefining the fields of Fine Art and Design. In focusing on the relations between students' spacing and timing skills, 4D Design extends and supplements the other Foundation courses, and prepares students for further work with time-based media. (Undergraduate Art and Design) Lab 5 (Fall, Spring). |
3 |
PAIT-201 | Introduction to Painting This course will explore techniques in painting to advance students’ understanding of subjects such as color theory, building compositions and the effective use of painting materials. Individual approaches to content range from abstraction through representational art, as students address contemporary visual arts issues. * Fee: There is a course fee applied via student account. * (Prerequisite: FDTN-111 or DDDD-208 or ITDI-211 or SOFA-108 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
PRNT-201 | Introduction to Printmaking This course is a comprehensive introduction to printmaking concepts and techniques. Organized to create a broad introductory experience, the course will focus on the expansion of problem solving and skill building within the context of printmaking. The course addresses a wide variety of media, tools, techniques both traditional and technological, and theoretical concepts to facilitate skill development and experimentation with process. Accumulative aspects of the curriculum include the exploration of historical and cultural concepts of materiality and the multiple intertwined with aspects of personal interpretation and experience. ** Fee: There is a course fee applied via student account. ** (Prerequisites: FDTN-111 or ITDI-211 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
SCUL-201 | Introduction to Sculpture This course will examine professional sculptural practices, processes, and materials. Course content will cover additive, subtractive, assemblage, and substitution processes of making sculpture along with historical and contemporary approaches to the field. Students will develop skills in relation to individual concepts and directions. At the completion of this course students will learn how to create and critique sculptures that effectively communicate ideas. ** Fee: There is a lab fee required for this course** (Prerequisites: FDTN-131 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
SCUL-511 | Expanded Forms The course will focus on the diverse new forms of expression that have emerged in contemporary fine art, including installation, performance, video, and digital art among the many other possibilities. Students will research some of these new forms and produce artwork in at least one of these forms. Course may be repeated for credit. **Fee: There is a lab fee required for this course** (Prerequisites: SCUL-201 or STAR-503 or GRDE-207 or NMDE-204 or SOFA-205 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall, Spring). |
3 |
STAR-505 | Figure Drawing This course will focus on building figure drawing skills in a traditional life drawing class format with emphasis on dynamic line quality, visual perception and contemporary approaches to figure drawing. Students will work directly from the model in a variety of media. At the completion of this course, students will gain an understanding of diverse representations and applications of the human figure using various drawing materials and processes. (Prerequisites: FDTN-111 or ITDI-211 or ITDI-236 or SOFA-108 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
CAD Studio Elective† |
3 | |
Art History Elective‡ |
3 | |
General Education – Ethical Perspective |
3 | |
Choose one of the following: | 3 |
General Education – Natural Science Inquiry Perspective |
General Education – Scientific Principles Perspective |
General Education – Mathematical Perspective A or B |
Third Year | ||
SCUL-511 | Expanded Forms The course will focus on the diverse new forms of expression that have emerged in contemporary fine art, including installation, performance, video, and digital art among the many other possibilities. Students will research some of these new forms and produce artwork in at least one of these forms. Course may be repeated for credit. **Fee: There is a lab fee required for this course** (Prerequisites: SCUL-201 or STAR-503 or GRDE-207 or NMDE-204 or SOFA-205 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall, Spring). |
6 |
STAR-311 | Ideation and Series This course will examine appropriate skills and strategies to generate ideas and develop them effectively. Through personal and group generative idea exercises, journaling and research students will explore individual ideas and personal interests to produce a final series of creative works. (Prerequisites: FDTN-141 or equivalent course or students enrolled in the WOOD-AOS program.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
Choose one of the following: | 3 |
CGLS-530 | Glass Processes This course will introduce the beginner to the glass studio and to glass as a creative material. ** Fee: There is a lab fee required for this course** (This course is available to RIT degree-seeking undergraduate students.) Studio 6 (Fall, Spring). |
SCUL-501 | Sculpture This course allows students to explore concepts, materials, processes, and techniques to develop a personal, cohesive three-dimensional body of work. Theories and history of sculpture will be discussed as relevant to individual directions. Course may be repeated. **Fee: There is a lab fee required for this course** (Prerequisites: SCUL-201 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall, Spring). |
SCUL-583 | Welding and Fabrication This course will introduce develop skills in metal fabrication. Course content will cover several different types of equipment utilized in the welding and cutting processes. Students will learn to learn to effectively use equipment to fabricate mild steel. At the completion of this course students will complete a body of work consisting of finished fabricated steel sculptures. The course will be taught off-campus at Rochester Arc and Flame Center, 115 Fedex Way, Rochester, NY. **Fee: There is a materials fee required for this course and an additional course fee applied via SFS bill. See course notes for course fee information** (Prerequisites: FDTN-131 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
STAR-301 | Digital Fabrication Applications for the Studio This course will examine the context and application of digital fabrication in relation to a student’s individual art practices. Course content will cover additive and subtractive manufacturing and the prerequisite programs for each process. Students will explore techniques to produce either tools or final art objects. Historical and contemporary perspectives will be introduced. At the completion of this course, students will apply technical skills and an understanding of how their personal artwork and technology intersect. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course and an additional course fee applied via student account.** (Prerequisite: (FDTN-112 or FDTN-212) and (STAR-503 or INDE-202 or IDDE-212) or equivalent courses.) Lab 2, Studio 2 (Fall, Spring). |
Art History Elective‡ |
3 | |
General Education – Immersion 1 (WI-GE) |
3 | |
CAD Studio Electives† |
6 | |
General Education – Elective |
3 | |
Open Elective |
3 | |
Fourth Year | ||
SCUL-511 | Expanded Forms The course will focus on the diverse new forms of expression that have emerged in contemporary fine art, including installation, performance, video, and digital art among the many other possibilities. Students will research some of these new forms and produce artwork in at least one of these forms. Course may be repeated for credit. **Fee: There is a lab fee required for this course** (Prerequisites: SCUL-201 or STAR-503 or GRDE-207 or NMDE-204 or SOFA-205 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall, Spring). |
6 |
STAR-401 | Senior Capstone This course will focus on the production and exhibition of a representative body of artwork. Students will participate in an articulated process of making, engaging in comprehensive research that expands and supports their work, developing a rationale for the use of media and process, creating sketches and models, and the refining work through critiquing and editing. All of this will culminate in the professional presentation of oral, written, and visual work that contextualizes the students’ positions within contemporary artistic practice. Students will also be involved in every aspect of their senior shows from creating the work to installing the exhibition and preparing marketing materials. (Prerequisites: STAR-311 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Spring). |
3 |
STAR-411 | Business Practices for Artists (WI-PR) This course is devoted to the practical business issues that artists must address, such as: building and maintaining a portfolio, pricing, engaging established and emerging marketing strategies, public relations, and the professional presence. Students will develop the skills necessary to create a sustainable post-academic studio practice. Financial organization, communication, and networking, as well as archiving, grant writing, and interfacing with exhibition opportunities will be explored through research projects, writing assignments, and group discussion. (Prerequisites: STAR-311 or equivalent course or student standing in WOOD-AOS.) Lecture 3 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
Choose one of the following: | 3 |
CGLS-530 | Glass Processes This course will introduce the beginner to the glass studio and to glass as a creative material. ** Fee: There is a lab fee required for this course** (This course is available to RIT degree-seeking undergraduate students.) Studio 6 (Fall, Spring). |
SCUL-501 | Sculpture This course allows students to explore concepts, materials, processes, and techniques to develop a personal, cohesive three-dimensional body of work. Theories and history of sculpture will be discussed as relevant to individual directions. Course may be repeated. **Fee: There is a lab fee required for this course** (Prerequisites: SCUL-201 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall, Spring). |
SCUL-583 | Welding and Fabrication This course will introduce develop skills in metal fabrication. Course content will cover several different types of equipment utilized in the welding and cutting processes. Students will learn to learn to effectively use equipment to fabricate mild steel. At the completion of this course students will complete a body of work consisting of finished fabricated steel sculptures. The course will be taught off-campus at Rochester Arc and Flame Center, 115 Fedex Way, Rochester, NY. **Fee: There is a materials fee required for this course and an additional course fee applied via SFS bill. See course notes for course fee information** (Prerequisites: FDTN-131 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
STAR-301 | Digital Fabrication Applications for the Studio This course will examine the context and application of digital fabrication in relation to a student’s individual art practices. Course content will cover additive and subtractive manufacturing and the prerequisite programs for each process. Students will explore techniques to produce either tools or final art objects. Historical and contemporary perspectives will be introduced. At the completion of this course, students will apply technical skills and an understanding of how their personal artwork and technology intersect. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course and an additional course fee applied via student account.** (Prerequisite: (FDTN-112 or FDTN-212) and (STAR-503 or INDE-202 or IDDE-212) or equivalent courses.) Lab 2, Studio 2 (Fall, Spring). |
General Education – Immersion 2, 3 |
6 | |
Open Electives |
9 | |
Total Semester Credit Hours | 120 |
Please see General Education Curriculum (GE) for more information.
(WI) Refers to a writing intensive course within the major.
* Please see Wellness Education Requirement for more information. Students completing bachelor's degrees are required to complete two different Wellness courses.
† CAD Studio Electives are any College of Art and Design course with a lab or studio component, per catalog restrictions.
‡ Art History electives are non-studio courses searchable in SIS with the Art History attribute of ARTH and are 200-level and above.
Studio Arts (furniture design option), BFA degree, typical course sequence
Course | Sem. Cr. Hrs. | |
First Year | ||
ARTH-1## | Any 100-level ARTH Course (General Education – Artistic Perspective) |
3 |
ARTH-1## | Any 100-level ARTH Course (General Education - Global Perspective) |
3 |
CWFD-123 | Introduction to Woodworking and Furniture Design |
3 |
FDTN-111 | Drawing I This course is an introduction to the visualization of form, thought, and expression through the drawing process and is the first of two sequential courses that are the foundation of the drawing curriculum in the College of Art and Design. Concepts are introduced by lectures, discussions, and demonstrations which are designed to provide a broad introductory experience. Students will experiment with a wide variety of media, tools, techniques and subjects to develop drawing and problem-solving skills related to form and composition. The focus of the course is to provide awareness of the full range of ways in which drawing is used as a tool for both self-expression and communication. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
FDTN-121 | 2D Design I This course is an introduction to the basic elements and principles of two-dimensional design and is foundational to the College of Art and Design curriculum. The focus of this course is the development of visual and verbal vocabularies as a means of exploring and understanding two-dimensional design. Students will engage with a wide variety of media, tools, and techniques to develop skills while delving into the theoretical and experimentational processes of contemporary art and design. The exploration of historical and cultural themes and concepts intertwined with aspects of personal interpretation and experience will be included in the curriculum. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
FDTN-131 | 3D Design I This course presents a progressive study in terminology, visual principles, exploration, concept generation, process, and techniques of three-dimensional design and is foundational to the College of Art and Design curriculum. Using hands-on problem solving, student will develop an informed understanding of the three-dimensional form and space with an emphasis on the elements and principles of visual design and their function as the building blocks and guidelines for ordering a three-dimensional composition. A heightened awareness of form and space will be developed through lecture, assigned projects, and critiques. Students will also develop a personal awareness of problem seeking and solving, experimentation and critical analysis. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
Choose one of the following: | 3 |
FDTN-112 | Drawing II From observation of still life, the figure, and interior/exterior spaces, Drawing II continues to build on the foundation of the College of Art and Design drawing curriculum. This course continues the study of traditional drawing mediums and techniques while introducing color and a selection of contemporary practices and tools through examining organic and geometric mark making, form, space and value. Core concepts are introduced by lectures, discussions, and demonstrations; the primary assessment method of course work will be through critiques which facilitate growth of both a visual and verbal vocabulary. The focus of the course is to provide awareness of the full range of ways in which drawing is used as a tool for self-expression, communication and continued development of creative practice and problem solving. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** (Prerequisites: FDTN-111 or ITDI-211 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
FDTN-212 | Drawing II Workshop: Topics This course is an investigation of the visualization of form, thought and expression through the drawing process. This workshop provides students with the opportunity to learn more about a particular experience in drawing while still covering required foundation elements. Different topics may be taken in the same semester. Topics may only be taken once. Concepts are introduced by lectures, discussions, demonstrations, research and assigned projects.. The focus of the course is to provide awareness of the full range of ways in which drawing is used as a tool for both self-expression and communication. (Prerequisites: FDTN-111 or ITDI-211 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Spring). |
Choose one of the following: | 3 |
FDTN-132 | 3D Design II This course is the second course in the three-dimensional design curriculum and is foundational to the College of Art and Design education. The focus of the course is on composing three-dimensional form and its relationship to space. Students will build on their prior term experiences, which include the introduction to three-dimensional principles, materials, and building processes. Students will develop the sophisticated skill of conceptualization. More advanced problems will be assigned, and students will have the opportunity to explore a wide range of material and process possibilities for their resolution. A heightened awareness of idea development and design research will be explored. Inclusion of 21st century themes in the arts of social cultural and community. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** (Prerequisites: FDTN-131 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
FDTN-232 | 3D Design II Workshop: Topic This workshop provides students with the opportunity to learn more about 3D compositions within a more open and experimental realm while still covering the core Foundation concepts. Different topics may be taken in the same semester. Topics may only be taken once. The focus is on composing three-dimensional form and its
relationship to space. Material exposure will be determined by the topic’s instructor. (Prerequisites: FDTN-131 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Spring). |
YOPS-10 | RIT 365: RIT Connections RIT 365 students participate in experiential learning opportunities designed to launch them into their career at RIT, support them in making multiple and varied connections across the university, and immerse them in processes of competency development. Students will plan for and reflect on their first-year experiences, receive feedback, and develop a personal plan for future action in order to develop foundational self-awareness and recognize broad-based professional competencies. (This class is restricted to incoming 1st year or global campus students.) Lecture 1 (Fall, Spring). |
0 |
General Education – First-Year Writing (WI) |
3 | |
General Education – Social Perspective |
3 | |
Second Year | ||
CWFD-506 | Furniture Design: Table Design and Construction This course covers intermediate woodworking techniques associated with furniture design and construction. Students will investigate the functional and aesthetic considerations of table design through ideation and conceptual development. Topics include the properties of wood as a material, design development through drawing and model-making, the safe use and care of hand tools such as chisels and saws, portable power tools, and the use of stationary power tools. Students will be introduced to wood joinery best suited for table construction. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course and an additional course fee will be applied via student account** (Prerequisites: CWFD-213 or CWFD-124 or CWFD-MN or WOOD-AOS students or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
CWFD-507 | Furniture Design: Bench Design and Construction This course covers intermediate woodworking techniques associated with furniture design and construction. With a focus on aesthetics, structure, and functionality, students will design and construct furniture for seating such as stools and benches. Topics covered will include intermediate joinery techniques, lathe turning, hand and power shaping, and the safe use of the multi-router, router table and rotary carving tools. These processes will foster a focus on craftsmanship, technical knowledge and design development. **Fee: There is a materials fee required for this course and an additional course fee applied via student account. ** (Prerequisites: CWFD-213 or CWFD-124 or CWFD-MN or WOOD-AOS students or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
CWFD-511 | Furniture Design: Wood Carving This course will provide students with fundamental techniques necessary to design and fabricate refined hand carved vessels and other wooden objects. Participants in this course will gain an understanding of the inherent properties of wood, identifying assets and limitations of the material as they design and build. Students will develop skills to formalize individual design ideas for presentation, planning and construction. Topics will include lumber selection, the safe and proper use of machinery and portable power tools, the care and use of gouges, spokeshaves, and other sharp-edged hand tools, as well as sanding and wood finishing, and will support the focus on craftsmanship, technical knowledge and design development. **Fee: There is a materials fee required for this course and an additional course fee applied via SFS bill. See course notes for course fee information. ** (Prerequisites: CWFD-213 or CWFD-124 or CWFD-MN or WOOD-AOS students or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
CWFD-512 | Furniture Design: Box and Cabinet Design and Construction This course covers the techniques associated with the design and construction of wooden boxes and cabinets. Students will design and build a number of functional pieces giving careful consideration to the inherent properties of the material. Course topics will include lumber selection and processing, joinery layout and corner joint construction, as well as the safe use of hand and power tools. The class will also introduce lid, drawer, and hinging options, and intermediate hand finishing techniques. At the completion of this course, students will have the technical knowledge and design development to create artwork with the highest level of craftsmanship. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course and an additional course fee will be applied via student account** (Prerequisites: CWFD-213 or CWFD-124 or CWFD-MN or WOOD-AOS students or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
FDTN-141 | 4D Design 4D Design introduces students to the basic concepts of art and design in time and space. The course explores elements of moving images such as continuity, still and moving image editing, transitions and syntax, sound and image relations, and principles of movement. Computers, video, photo, sound and lighting equipment are used to create short-form time-based work relevant to students in all majors and programs required to take this course. The course addresses the both historical conventions of time in art and recent technological advances, which are redefining the fields of Fine Art and Design. In focusing on the relations between students' spacing and timing skills, 4D Design extends and supplements the other Foundation courses, and prepares students for further work with time-based media. (Undergraduate Art and Design) Lab 5 (Fall, Spring). |
3 |
STAR-503 | CAD Drawing This class covers basic CAD (computer-aided design) drawing for both design and presentation. Topics covered will include a broad range of drawing types, three-dimensional modeling, and presentation techniques. The course includes demonstrations, lectures, group-discussions, projects, and presentations. At the completion of this course students will use skills obtained in CAD orthographic drawing and 3-dimensional modeling to refine and present ideas and projects. Lec/Lab 5 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
General Education – Immersion 1 (WI-GE) |
3 | |
Art History Elective† |
3 | |
General Education – Ethical Perspective |
3 | |
Choose one of the following: | 3 |
General Education – Natural Science Inquiry Perspective |
General Education – Scientific Principles Perspective |
General Education – Mathematical Perspective A or B |
Third Year | ||
CWFD-501 | Furniture Design This is an advanced-level guided course on developing techniques and aesthetics of woodworking. Course content could include the following: design process, advanced woodworking techniques, conceptually driven design and construction, and CAD/CAM/CNC. Students will work on development of an individual creative project proposal and development of skills to complete unique finished projects. Course may be repeated. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** (Prerequisites: CWFD-507 and CWFD-512 and CWFD-506 and CWFD-511 or equivalent courses.) Studio (Fall, Spring). |
12 |
STAR-311 | Ideation and Series This course will examine appropriate skills and strategies to generate ideas and develop them effectively. Through personal and group generative idea exercises, journaling and research students will explore individual ideas and personal interests to produce a final series of creative works. (Prerequisites: FDTN-141 or equivalent course or students enrolled in the WOOD-AOS program.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
Art History Elective† |
3 | |
General Education – Immersion 2 |
3 | |
CAD Studio Elective‡ |
3 | |
General Education – Elective |
3 | |
Open Elective |
3 | |
Fourth Year | ||
CWFD-501 | Furniture Design This is an advanced-level guided course on developing techniques and aesthetics of woodworking. Course content could include the following: design process, advanced woodworking techniques, conceptually driven design and construction, and CAD/CAM/CNC. Students will work on development of an individual creative project proposal and development of skills to complete unique finished projects. Course may be repeated. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** (Prerequisites: CWFD-507 and CWFD-512 and CWFD-506 and CWFD-511 or equivalent courses.) Studio (Fall, Spring). |
9 |
STAR-401 | Senior Capstone This course will focus on the production and exhibition of a representative body of artwork. Students will participate in an articulated process of making, engaging in comprehensive research that expands and supports their work, developing a rationale for the use of media and process, creating sketches and models, and the refining work through critiquing and editing. All of this will culminate in the professional presentation of oral, written, and visual work that contextualizes the students’ positions within contemporary artistic practice. Students will also be involved in every aspect of their senior shows from creating the work to installing the exhibition and preparing marketing materials. (Prerequisites: STAR-311 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Spring). |
3 |
STAR-411 | Business Practices for Artists (WI-PR) This course is devoted to the practical business issues that artists must address, such as: building and maintaining a portfolio, pricing, engaging established and emerging marketing strategies, public relations, and the professional presence. Students will develop the skills necessary to create a sustainable post-academic studio practice. Financial organization, communication, and networking, as well as archiving, grant writing, and interfacing with exhibition opportunities will be explored through research projects, writing assignments, and group discussion. (Prerequisites: STAR-311 or equivalent course or student standing in WOOD-AOS.) Lecture 3 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
CAD Studio Elective‡ |
3 | |
General Education – Immersion 3 |
3 | |
Open Electives |
9 | |
Total Semester Credit Hours | 120 |
Please see General Education Curriculum (GE) for more information.
(WI) Refers to a writing intensive course within the major.
* Please see Wellness Education Requirement for more information. Students completing bachelor's degrees are required to complete two different Wellness courses.
† Art History electives are non-studio courses searchable in SIS with the Art History attribute of ARTH and are 200-level and above.
‡ CAD Studio Electives are any College of Art and Design course with a lab or studio component.
Studio Arts (glass option), BFA degree, typical course sequence
Course | Sem. Cr. Hrs. | |
First Year | ||
ARTH-1## | Any 100-level ARTH Course (General Education – Artistic Perspective) |
3 |
ARTH-1## | Any 100-level ARTH Course (General Education – Global Perspective) |
3 |
FDTN-111 | Drawing I This course is an introduction to the visualization of form, thought, and expression through the drawing process and is the first of two sequential courses that are the foundation of the drawing curriculum in the College of Art and Design. Concepts are introduced by lectures, discussions, and demonstrations which are designed to provide a broad introductory experience. Students will experiment with a wide variety of media, tools, techniques and subjects to develop drawing and problem-solving skills related to form and composition. The focus of the course is to provide awareness of the full range of ways in which drawing is used as a tool for both self-expression and communication. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
FDTN-121 | 2D Design I This course is an introduction to the basic elements and principles of two-dimensional design and is foundational to the College of Art and Design curriculum. The focus of this course is the development of visual and verbal vocabularies as a means of exploring and understanding two-dimensional design. Students will engage with a wide variety of media, tools, and techniques to develop skills while delving into the theoretical and experimentational processes of contemporary art and design. The exploration of historical and cultural themes and concepts intertwined with aspects of personal interpretation and experience will be included in the curriculum. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
FDTN-131 | 3D Design I This course presents a progressive study in terminology, visual principles, exploration, concept generation, process, and techniques of three-dimensional design and is foundational to the College of Art and Design curriculum. Using hands-on problem solving, student will develop an informed understanding of the three-dimensional form and space with an emphasis on the elements and principles of visual design and their function as the building blocks and guidelines for ordering a three-dimensional composition. A heightened awareness of form and space will be developed through lecture, assigned projects, and critiques. Students will also develop a personal awareness of problem seeking and solving, experimentation and critical analysis. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
Choose one of the following: | 3 |
FDTN-112 | Drawing II From observation of still life, the figure, and interior/exterior spaces, Drawing II continues to build on the foundation of the College of Art and Design drawing curriculum. This course continues the study of traditional drawing mediums and techniques while introducing color and a selection of contemporary practices and tools through examining organic and geometric mark making, form, space and value. Core concepts are introduced by lectures, discussions, and demonstrations; the primary assessment method of course work will be through critiques which facilitate growth of both a visual and verbal vocabulary. The focus of the course is to provide awareness of the full range of ways in which drawing is used as a tool for self-expression, communication and continued development of creative practice and problem solving. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** (Prerequisites: FDTN-111 or ITDI-211 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
FDTN-212 | Drawing II Workshop: Topics This course is an investigation of the visualization of form, thought and expression through the drawing process. This workshop provides students with the opportunity to learn more about a particular experience in drawing while still covering required foundation elements. Different topics may be taken in the same semester. Topics may only be taken once. Concepts are introduced by lectures, discussions, demonstrations, research and assigned projects.. The focus of the course is to provide awareness of the full range of ways in which drawing is used as a tool for both self-expression and communication. (Prerequisites: FDTN-111 or ITDI-211 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Spring). |
Choose one of the following: | 3 |
FDTN-132 | 3D Design II This course is the second course in the three-dimensional design curriculum and is foundational to the College of Art and Design education. The focus of the course is on composing three-dimensional form and its relationship to space. Students will build on their prior term experiences, which include the introduction to three-dimensional principles, materials, and building processes. Students will develop the sophisticated skill of conceptualization. More advanced problems will be assigned, and students will have the opportunity to explore a wide range of material and process possibilities for their resolution. A heightened awareness of idea development and design research will be explored. Inclusion of 21st century themes in the arts of social cultural and community. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** (Prerequisites: FDTN-131 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
FDTN-232 | 3D Design II Workshop: Topic This workshop provides students with the opportunity to learn more about 3D compositions within a more open and experimental realm while still covering the core Foundation concepts. Different topics may be taken in the same semester. Topics may only be taken once. The focus is on composing three-dimensional form and its
relationship to space. Material exposure will be determined by the topic’s instructor. (Prerequisites: FDTN-131 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Spring). |
YOPS-10 | RIT 365: RIT Connections RIT 365 students participate in experiential learning opportunities designed to launch them into their career at RIT, support them in making multiple and varied connections across the university, and immerse them in processes of competency development. Students will plan for and reflect on their first-year experiences, receive feedback, and develop a personal plan for future action in order to develop foundational self-awareness and recognize broad-based professional competencies. (This class is restricted to incoming 1st year or global campus students.) Lecture 1 (Fall, Spring). |
0 |
General Education – First-Year Writing (WI) |
3 | |
CAD Studio Elective† |
3 | |
General Education – Social Perspective |
3 | |
Second Year | ||
CGLS-312 | Kinetic Glass Practice This course will introduce students to basic flame working processes. Solid working techniques with borosilicate glass will be covered as ways to activate ideas about making glass move. Basic processes of finishing and further manipulating annealed glass in the cold shop will also be introduced. Students will build technical understanding and material comprehension in the application of these processes. Students will develop projects motivated by themes regarding mechanics, the experimental, and absurdity. ** Fee: A course fee applied via student account** Studio 6 (Spring). |
3 |
CGLS-505 | Hot Phenomena Glass Practice This hot glass course will allow students to discover and/or rediscover fundamental solid and blown techniques through a fresh lens of instruction and ideas. The cold shop will be an additional studio where students will learn to use the equipment to further their projects. Contemporary themes surrounding material experimentation, problem-solving and making a mess will be the springboards for prompted assignments. **Fee: A course fee applied via student account. Studio 6 (Spring). |
3 |
CGLS-506 | Molten Glass Practice This course will introduce students to basic glass working processes in the hot glass studio. Solid and blown techniques are introduced as ways to activate ideas through molten glass. Students will learn introductory processes of finishing and further manipulating annealed glass in the cold shop. Students will build technical understanding and material comprehension in the application of these skills through assigned projects motivated by current themes in contemporary art. **Fee: A course fee applied via student account.** Studio 6 (Fall). |
3 |
CGLS-511 | Mold and Kiln Glass Practice This course will introduce students to basic mold making and glass working processes in the kiln studio. Fusing, slumping, and casting techniques will be covered as ways to activate ideas through kiln-formed glass. Basic processes of finishing glass in the cold shop will also be introduced. Students will build technical understanding and material comprehension in the application of these skills within self-directed projects motivated by prompted themes found within contemporary art. **Fee: A course fee applied via student account. Studio 6 (Fall). |
3 |
FDTN-141 | 4D Design 4D Design introduces students to the basic concepts of art and design in time and space. The course explores elements of moving images such as continuity, still and moving image editing, transitions and syntax, sound and image relations, and principles of movement. Computers, video, photo, sound and lighting equipment are used to create short-form time-based work relevant to students in all majors and programs required to take this course. The course addresses the both historical conventions of time in art and recent technological advances, which are redefining the fields of Fine Art and Design. In focusing on the relations between students' spacing and timing skills, 4D Design extends and supplements the other Foundation courses, and prepares students for further work with time-based media. (Undergraduate Art and Design) Lab 5 (Fall, Spring). |
3 |
STAR-503 | CAD Drawing This class covers basic CAD (computer-aided design) drawing for both design and presentation. Topics covered will include a broad range of drawing types, three-dimensional modeling, and presentation techniques. The course includes demonstrations, lectures, group-discussions, projects, and presentations. At the completion of this course students will use skills obtained in CAD orthographic drawing and 3-dimensional modeling to refine and present ideas and projects. Lec/Lab 5 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
Art History Elective‡ |
3 | |
General Education – Ethical Perspective |
3 | |
General Education – Immersion 1 (WI-GE) |
3 | |
Choose one of the following: | 3 |
General Education – Natural Science Inquiry Perspective |
General Education – Scientific Principles Perspective |
General Education – Mathematical Perspective A or B |
Third Year | ||
CGLS-503 | Glass Practice This course is designed for students to build an intermediate technical relationship with glass process and apply them to prompted studio projects and assignments. Course content will include an informative mix of studio instruction to support skill acquisition in the hot shop, kiln shop, cold shop, and flame shop which will equip the student to generate artwork in support of their personal interests, questions, and curiosities in unique instances of studio crossover. The exploration of technique will also lend way to practices of technical exercise, sample collecting, and failure-spurring experimentation of both material and process to further inform the student what their unique relationship to glass can be as they develop the cornerstones of their making practice and artistic identity. ** Fee: There is a course fee applied via student account** (Prerequisites: CGLS-312 and CGLS-505 and CGLS-506 and CGLS-511 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall, Spring). |
6 |
CGLS-504 | Glass Concepts This course is designed to establish an intermediate understanding and connection to concepts in contemporary glass as they relate to the broader field of contemporary art. Course content will include a chosen thematic focus relevant to issues in the contemporary art conversation that will influence student development through various research assignments, studio assignments, and group activities. Readings, group discussion, written responses, and material research will culminate in self-directed projects based on a proposed topic of student interest and investigation. Students will explore researched themes through conversation, presentations, ideation workshops, and group critiques to better place their personal interests and relationship to glass within a broader conversation of contemporary art. This course may be retaken for credit. **Fee: A materials fee is required for the course, and an additional course fee applied via student account.** (Prerequisites: CGLS-312 and CGLS-505 and CGLS-506 and CGLS-511 or equivalent courses.) Studio 6 (Fall, Spring). |
6 |
STAR-311 | Ideation and Series This course will examine appropriate skills and strategies to generate ideas and develop them effectively. Through personal and group generative idea exercises, journaling and research students will explore individual ideas and personal interests to produce a final series of creative works. (Prerequisites: FDTN-141 or equivalent course or students enrolled in the WOOD-AOS program.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
Art History Elective‡ |
3 | |
General Education – Immersion 2 |
3 | |
CAD Studio Elective† |
3 | |
General Education – Elective |
3 | |
Open Elective |
3 | |
Fourth Year | ||
CGLS-503 | Glass Practice This course is designed for students to build an intermediate technical relationship with glass process and apply them to prompted studio projects and assignments. Course content will include an informative mix of studio instruction to support skill acquisition in the hot shop, kiln shop, cold shop, and flame shop which will equip the student to generate artwork in support of their personal interests, questions, and curiosities in unique instances of studio crossover. The exploration of technique will also lend way to practices of technical exercise, sample collecting, and failure-spurring experimentation of both material and process to further inform the student what their unique relationship to glass can be as they develop the cornerstones of their making practice and artistic identity. ** Fee: There is a course fee applied via student account** (Prerequisites: CGLS-312 and CGLS-505 and CGLS-506 and CGLS-511 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall, Spring). |
3 |
CGLS-504 | Glass Concepts This course is designed to establish an intermediate understanding and connection to concepts in contemporary glass as they relate to the broader field of contemporary art. Course content will include a chosen thematic focus relevant to issues in the contemporary art conversation that will influence student development through various research assignments, studio assignments, and group activities. Readings, group discussion, written responses, and material research will culminate in self-directed projects based on a proposed topic of student interest and investigation. Students will explore researched themes through conversation, presentations, ideation workshops, and group critiques to better place their personal interests and relationship to glass within a broader conversation of contemporary art. This course may be retaken for credit. **Fee: A materials fee is required for the course, and an additional course fee applied via student account.** (Prerequisites: CGLS-312 and CGLS-505 and CGLS-506 and CGLS-511 or equivalent courses.) Studio 6 (Fall, Spring). |
6 |
STAR-401 | Senior Capstone This course will focus on the production and exhibition of a representative body of artwork. Students will participate in an articulated process of making, engaging in comprehensive research that expands and supports their work, developing a rationale for the use of media and process, creating sketches and models, and the refining work through critiquing and editing. All of this will culminate in the professional presentation of oral, written, and visual work that contextualizes the students’ positions within contemporary artistic practice. Students will also be involved in every aspect of their senior shows from creating the work to installing the exhibition and preparing marketing materials. (Prerequisites: STAR-311 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Spring). |
3 |
STAR-411 | Business Practices for Artists (WI-PR) This course is devoted to the practical business issues that artists must address, such as: building and maintaining a portfolio, pricing, engaging established and emerging marketing strategies, public relations, and the professional presence. Students will develop the skills necessary to create a sustainable post-academic studio practice. Financial organization, communication, and networking, as well as archiving, grant writing, and interfacing with exhibition opportunities will be explored through research projects, writing assignments, and group discussion. (Prerequisites: STAR-311 or equivalent course or student standing in WOOD-AOS.) Lecture 3 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
CAD Studio Elective† |
3 | |
General Education – Immersion 3 |
3 | |
Open Electives |
9 | |
Total Semester Credit Hours | 120 |
Please see General Education Curriculum (GE) for more information.
(WI) Refers to a writing intensive course within the major.
*Please see Wellness Education Requirement for more information. Students completing bachelor's degrees are required to complete two different Wellness courses.
† CAD Studio Electives are any College of Art and Design course with a lab or studio component, per catalog restrictions.
‡ Art History electives are non-studio courses searchable in SIS with the Art History attribute of ARTH and are 200-level and above.
Studio Arts (metals and jewelry design option), BFA degree, typical course sequence
Course | Sem. Cr. Hrs. | |
First Year | ||
ARTH-1## | Any 100-level ARTH Course (General Education – Artistic Perspective) |
3 |
ARTH-1## | Any 100-level ARTH Course (General Education – Global Perspective) |
3 |
FDTN-111 | Drawing I This course is an introduction to the visualization of form, thought, and expression through the drawing process and is the first of two sequential courses that are the foundation of the drawing curriculum in the College of Art and Design. Concepts are introduced by lectures, discussions, and demonstrations which are designed to provide a broad introductory experience. Students will experiment with a wide variety of media, tools, techniques and subjects to develop drawing and problem-solving skills related to form and composition. The focus of the course is to provide awareness of the full range of ways in which drawing is used as a tool for both self-expression and communication. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
FDTN-121 | 2D Design I This course is an introduction to the basic elements and principles of two-dimensional design and is foundational to the College of Art and Design curriculum. The focus of this course is the development of visual and verbal vocabularies as a means of exploring and understanding two-dimensional design. Students will engage with a wide variety of media, tools, and techniques to develop skills while delving into the theoretical and experimentational processes of contemporary art and design. The exploration of historical and cultural themes and concepts intertwined with aspects of personal interpretation and experience will be included in the curriculum. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
FDTN-131 | 3D Design I This course presents a progressive study in terminology, visual principles, exploration, concept generation, process, and techniques of three-dimensional design and is foundational to the College of Art and Design curriculum. Using hands-on problem solving, student will develop an informed understanding of the three-dimensional form and space with an emphasis on the elements and principles of visual design and their function as the building blocks and guidelines for ordering a three-dimensional composition. A heightened awareness of form and space will be developed through lecture, assigned projects, and critiques. Students will also develop a personal awareness of problem seeking and solving, experimentation and critical analysis. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
Choose one of the following: | 3 |
FDTN-112 | Drawing II From observation of still life, the figure, and interior/exterior spaces, Drawing II continues to build on the foundation of the College of Art and Design drawing curriculum. This course continues the study of traditional drawing mediums and techniques while introducing color and a selection of contemporary practices and tools through examining organic and geometric mark making, form, space and value. Core concepts are introduced by lectures, discussions, and demonstrations; the primary assessment method of course work will be through critiques which facilitate growth of both a visual and verbal vocabulary. The focus of the course is to provide awareness of the full range of ways in which drawing is used as a tool for self-expression, communication and continued development of creative practice and problem solving. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** (Prerequisites: FDTN-111 or ITDI-211 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
FDTN-212 | Drawing II Workshop: Topics This course is an investigation of the visualization of form, thought and expression through the drawing process. This workshop provides students with the opportunity to learn more about a particular experience in drawing while still covering required foundation elements. Different topics may be taken in the same semester. Topics may only be taken once. Concepts are introduced by lectures, discussions, demonstrations, research and assigned projects.. The focus of the course is to provide awareness of the full range of ways in which drawing is used as a tool for both self-expression and communication. (Prerequisites: FDTN-111 or ITDI-211 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Spring). |
Choose one of the following: | 3 |
FDTN-132 | 3D Design II This course is the second course in the three-dimensional design curriculum and is foundational to the College of Art and Design education. The focus of the course is on composing three-dimensional form and its relationship to space. Students will build on their prior term experiences, which include the introduction to three-dimensional principles, materials, and building processes. Students will develop the sophisticated skill of conceptualization. More advanced problems will be assigned, and students will have the opportunity to explore a wide range of material and process possibilities for their resolution. A heightened awareness of idea development and design research will be explored. Inclusion of 21st century themes in the arts of social cultural and community. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** (Prerequisites: FDTN-131 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
FDTN-232 | 3D Design II Workshop: Topic This workshop provides students with the opportunity to learn more about 3D compositions within a more open and experimental realm while still covering the core Foundation concepts. Different topics may be taken in the same semester. Topics may only be taken once. The focus is on composing three-dimensional form and its
relationship to space. Material exposure will be determined by the topic’s instructor. (Prerequisites: FDTN-131 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Spring). |
YOPS-10 | RIT 365: RIT Connections RIT 365 students participate in experiential learning opportunities designed to launch them into their career at RIT, support them in making multiple and varied connections across the university, and immerse them in processes of competency development. Students will plan for and reflect on their first-year experiences, receive feedback, and develop a personal plan for future action in order to develop foundational self-awareness and recognize broad-based professional competencies. (This class is restricted to incoming 1st year or global campus students.) Lecture 1 (Fall, Spring). |
0 |
General Education – First-Year Writing (WI) |
3 | |
General Education – Social Perspective |
3 | |
CAD Studio Elective† |
3 | |
Second Year | ||
CMTJ-206 | Methods and Practice This course will introduce students to basic jewelry hand tools. Students will learn about composition and working properties of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, which will serve as primary materials. This course will provide in-depth instruction on fundamental design and fabrication techniques. Students will acquire technical understanding and demonstrate the comprehension of materials through assigned projects motivated by current themes in contemporary art and jewelry design. Students will be instructed on the proper use and maintenance of the metals shop. Students will be required to conduct research on a historical metals topic, write a paper and give a presentation. **Fee: There is a lab fee required for this course** (Prerequisites: FDTN-112 or FDTN-212 or FDTN-122 or FDTN-222 or FDTN-132 or FDTN-232 or FDTN-141 or IDDE-102 or ILLS-206 or ILLS-209 or INDE-102 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall). |
3 |
CMTJ-207 | Design, Fabrication, and Forming This course will introduce the student to intermediate silver soldering and gem setting. Students will explore forming techniques used in the fabrication of jewelry and functional objects. Students will acquire technical understanding and demonstrate the comprehension of materials through assigned projects motivated by current themes in contemporary art and jewelry design. Students will be instructed on the proper use and maintenance of the metals shop. Students will be required to conduct research on a historical metals topic, write a paper, and give a presentation. Fee: There is a lab fee for materials required for this course. (Prerequisites: CMTJ-124 or CMTJ-206 or CMTJ-211 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Spring). |
3 |
CMTJ-211 | Design and Fabrication Students will engage in fundamental design and fabrication techniques, materials, and processes within the broad historical and social context of jewelry design and metalworking. Working with precious and non-precious metals, students will learn traditional metal and jewelry methods of construction and fabrication. Students will acquire technical understanding and demonstrate the comprehension of materials through assigned projects motivated by current themes in contemporary art and jewelry design. Students will be instructed on the proper use and maintenance of the metals shop. Students will be required to conduct research on an historical metals topic, write a paper and give a presentation. **Fee: There is a lab fee required for this course** (Prerequisites: FDTN-112 or FDTN-212 or FDTN-122 or FDTN-222 or FDTN-132 or FDTN-232 or FDTN-141 or IDDE-102 or ILLS-206 or ILLS-209 or INDE-102 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall). |
3 |
CMTJ-212 | Fabrication, Casting, and Mold Making The course focuses on the fundamentals of jewelry and metal design. Current styles and formal characteristics of jewelry and metal objects will be studied through a series of design problems. Students will learn casting and mold-making techniques for small scale objects and jewelry. Instruction will include vacuum assisted and centrifuge casting, sand casting, wax carving, replica casting, and silicone rubber mold making. Students will acquire technical understanding and demonstrate the comprehension of materials through assigned projects motivated by current themes in contemporary art and jewelry design. Students will be instructed on the proper use and maintenance of the metals shop. Students will be required to conduct research on a historical metals topic, write a paper, and give a presentation. Fee: There is a lab fee for materials required for this course. (Prerequisites: CMTJ-124 or CMTJ-206 or CMTJ-211 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Spring). |
3 |
FDTN-141 | 4D Design 4D Design introduces students to the basic concepts of art and design in time and space. The course explores elements of moving images such as continuity, still and moving image editing, transitions and syntax, sound and image relations, and principles of movement. Computers, video, photo, sound and lighting equipment are used to create short-form time-based work relevant to students in all majors and programs required to take this course. The course addresses the both historical conventions of time in art and recent technological advances, which are redefining the fields of Fine Art and Design. In focusing on the relations between students' spacing and timing skills, 4D Design extends and supplements the other Foundation courses, and prepares students for further work with time-based media. (Undergraduate Art and Design) Lab 5 (Fall, Spring). |
3 |
STAR-503 | CAD Drawing This class covers basic CAD (computer-aided design) drawing for both design and presentation. Topics covered will include a broad range of drawing types, three-dimensional modeling, and presentation techniques. The course includes demonstrations, lectures, group-discussions, projects, and presentations. At the completion of this course students will use skills obtained in CAD orthographic drawing and 3-dimensional modeling to refine and present ideas and projects. Lec/Lab 5 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
Art History Elective‡ |
3 | |
General Education – Ethical Perspective |
3 | |
General Education – Immersion 1 (WI-GE) |
3 | |
Choose one of the following: | 3 |
General Education – Natural Science Inquiry Perspective |
General Education – Scientific Principles Perspective |
General Education – Mathematical Perspective A or B |
Third Year | ||
CMTJ-301 | Metals and Jewelry Design Junior I This course continues instruction in jewelry and hollowware rendering, chasing and repoussé, and tool making, providing in-depth instruction on advanced design and fabrication techniques. Through the use of kumboo 24k gold and bi-metal overlay technique, acid-etching and hydraulic die forming, students are introduced to jewelry and hollowware design and production methods. This course also introduces intermediate gem setting, identification and gemstone anatomy. Students will obtain instruction on the proper use and maintenance of the metals shop. Students will be taught advanced machine skills, hand skills and tools. Students will be required to conduct research on a historical metals topic, write a paper and give a presentation. **Fee: There is a materials fee required for this course and an additional course fee applied via SFS bill. See course notes for course fee information. ** (Prerequisites: CMTJ-206 or CMTJ-207 or CMTJ-211 or CMTJ-212 or equivalent course.) Studio 12 (Fall). |
6 |
CMTJ-302 | Metals and Jewelry Design Junior II This course continues instruction in intermediate and advanced metal fabrication and introduces students to welding techniques and their application to metals and jewelry design. Students will be introduced to design alternatives for the creation of complex jewelry objects that may incorporate both metal and alternative materials as a means of design development and expression through artwork. Students will reflect appropriate application of material and process with regard to contemporary jewelry trends and historical context. Additionally, students will examine the ways in which materials and techniques influence meaning. Students will obtain instruction on the proper use and maintenance of the metals shop. Students will be taught advanced machine skills, hand skills and tools. Students will be required to conduct research on a historical metals topic, write a paper and give a presentation. **Fee: There is a materials fee required for this course and an additional course fee applied via SFS bill. See course notes for course fee information. ** (Prerequisites: CMTJ-301 or equivalent course.) Studio 12 (Spring). |
6 |
STAR-311 | Ideation and Series This course will examine appropriate skills and strategies to generate ideas and develop them effectively. Through personal and group generative idea exercises, journaling and research students will explore individual ideas and personal interests to produce a final series of creative works. (Prerequisites: FDTN-141 or equivalent course or students enrolled in the WOOD-AOS program.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
Art History Elective‡ |
3 | |
General Education – Immersion 2 |
3 | |
CAD Studio Elective† |
3 | |
General Education – Elective |
3 | |
Open Elective |
3 | |
Fourth Year | ||
CMTJ-501 | Metals and Jewelry Design Senior I This is the first of a two-semester sequential class covering advanced techniques and aesthetics of metal and jewelry design. The creative work developed during the semester will inform the student in the development of their senior capstone proposal. Through research and under the guidance of faculty, students will choose a theme for their proposed thesis work. The design and compilation of a professional resume is also completed. This course introduces advanced gem setting, identification and gemstone anatomy. Students will obtain instruction on the proper use and maintenance of the metals shop. Students will be taught advanced machine skills, hand skills and tools. Students will be required to conduct research on a historical metals topic, write a paper and give a presentation. **Fee: There is a materials fee required for this course and an additional course fee applied via SFS bill. See course notes for course fee information. ** (Prerequisites: CMTJ-302 or equivalent course.) Studio 12 (Fall). |
6 |
CMTJ-502 | Metals and Jewelry Design Senior II This course, the second of a two-semester sequence, will aid the student in finalizing the development of their capstone, a self-directed project created in response to the students’ research and technical needs. The student is guided by their written and verbal proposal to develop a cohesive body of work and required to present it in a capstone exhibition within the term. This course provides the student with individual research in technique and design. A chosen thematic focus relevant to issues of contemporary art and jewelry design will influence individual student development and the course’s conversation through various assignments and group activities. The senior level students are required to assemble a group show of their four year's work, complete a job search and a professional portfolio including resume, photography, and renderings. **Fee: There is a materials fee required for this course and an additional course fee applied via SFS bill. See course notes for course fee information. ** (Prerequisites: CMTJ-501 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Spring). |
3 |
STAR-401 | Senior Capstone This course will focus on the production and exhibition of a representative body of artwork. Students will participate in an articulated process of making, engaging in comprehensive research that expands and supports their work, developing a rationale for the use of media and process, creating sketches and models, and the refining work through critiquing and editing. All of this will culminate in the professional presentation of oral, written, and visual work that contextualizes the students’ positions within contemporary artistic practice. Students will also be involved in every aspect of their senior shows from creating the work to installing the exhibition and preparing marketing materials. (Prerequisites: STAR-311 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Spring). |
3 |
STAR-411 | Business Practices for Artists (WI-PR) This course is devoted to the practical business issues that artists must address, such as: building and maintaining a portfolio, pricing, engaging established and emerging marketing strategies, public relations, and the professional presence. Students will develop the skills necessary to create a sustainable post-academic studio practice. Financial organization, communication, and networking, as well as archiving, grant writing, and interfacing with exhibition opportunities will be explored through research projects, writing assignments, and group discussion. (Prerequisites: STAR-311 or equivalent course or student standing in WOOD-AOS.) Lecture 3 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
CAD Studio Elective† |
3 | |
General Education – Immersion 3 |
3 | |
Open Electives |
9 | |
Total Semester Credit Hours | 120 |
Please see General Education Curriculum (GE) for more information.
(WI) Refers to a writing intensive course within the major.
*Please see Wellness Education Requirement for more information. Students completing bachelor's degrees are required to complete two different Wellness courses.
† CAD Studio Electives are any College of Art and Design course with a lab or studio component, per catalog restrictions.
‡ Art History electives are non-studio courses searchable in SIS with the Art History attribute of ARTH and are 200-level and above.
Studio Arts (painting option), BFA degree, typical course sequence
Course | Sem. Cr. Hrs. | |
First Year | ||
ARTH-1## | Any 100-level ARTH Course (General Education – Artistic Perspective) |
3 |
ARTH-1## | Any 100-level ARTH Course (General Education – Global Perspective) |
3 |
FDTN-111 | Drawing I This course is an introduction to the visualization of form, thought, and expression through the drawing process and is the first of two sequential courses that are the foundation of the drawing curriculum in the College of Art and Design. Concepts are introduced by lectures, discussions, and demonstrations which are designed to provide a broad introductory experience. Students will experiment with a wide variety of media, tools, techniques and subjects to develop drawing and problem-solving skills related to form and composition. The focus of the course is to provide awareness of the full range of ways in which drawing is used as a tool for both self-expression and communication. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
FDTN-121 | 2D Design I This course is an introduction to the basic elements and principles of two-dimensional design and is foundational to the College of Art and Design curriculum. The focus of this course is the development of visual and verbal vocabularies as a means of exploring and understanding two-dimensional design. Students will engage with a wide variety of media, tools, and techniques to develop skills while delving into the theoretical and experimentational processes of contemporary art and design. The exploration of historical and cultural themes and concepts intertwined with aspects of personal interpretation and experience will be included in the curriculum. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
FDTN-131 | 3D Design I This course presents a progressive study in terminology, visual principles, exploration, concept generation, process, and techniques of three-dimensional design and is foundational to the College of Art and Design curriculum. Using hands-on problem solving, student will develop an informed understanding of the three-dimensional form and space with an emphasis on the elements and principles of visual design and their function as the building blocks and guidelines for ordering a three-dimensional composition. A heightened awareness of form and space will be developed through lecture, assigned projects, and critiques. Students will also develop a personal awareness of problem seeking and solving, experimentation and critical analysis. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
Choose one of the following: | 3 |
FDTN-112 | Drawing II From observation of still life, the figure, and interior/exterior spaces, Drawing II continues to build on the foundation of the College of Art and Design drawing curriculum. This course continues the study of traditional drawing mediums and techniques while introducing color and a selection of contemporary practices and tools through examining organic and geometric mark making, form, space and value. Core concepts are introduced by lectures, discussions, and demonstrations; the primary assessment method of course work will be through critiques which facilitate growth of both a visual and verbal vocabulary. The focus of the course is to provide awareness of the full range of ways in which drawing is used as a tool for self-expression, communication and continued development of creative practice and problem solving. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** (Prerequisites: FDTN-111 or ITDI-211 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
FDTN-212 | Drawing II Workshop: Topics This course is an investigation of the visualization of form, thought and expression through the drawing process. This workshop provides students with the opportunity to learn more about a particular experience in drawing while still covering required foundation elements. Different topics may be taken in the same semester. Topics may only be taken once. Concepts are introduced by lectures, discussions, demonstrations, research and assigned projects.. The focus of the course is to provide awareness of the full range of ways in which drawing is used as a tool for both self-expression and communication. (Prerequisites: FDTN-111 or ITDI-211 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Spring). |
Choose one of the following: | 3 |
FDTN-122 | 2D Design II This course is the second part of the sequential two-dimensional design curriculum within the College of Art and Design. This course builds on the broad introductory experiences in 2D I; students will expand their visual and verbal vocabulary while exploring advanced design concepts through interdisciplinary activities, practices, and exploration. The themes and concepts explored in this course are intertwined with aspects of personal interpretation and experience alongside historical and cultural themes. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** (Prerequisites: FDTN-121 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
FDTN-222 | 2D Design II Workshop: Topic This workshop provides students with the opportunity to learn more about 2D compositions within a more open and experimental approach while still covering the core foundational 2D design II concepts. Different topics may be taken in the same semester, but unique topics may only be taken once. Material and conceptual focus will be determined by the faculty proposing each unique topic. (Prerequisites: FDTN-121 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Spring). |
Choose one of the following: | 3 |
FDTN-132 | 3D Design II This course is the second course in the three-dimensional design curriculum and is foundational to the College of Art and Design education. The focus of the course is on composing three-dimensional form and its relationship to space. Students will build on their prior term experiences, which include the introduction to three-dimensional principles, materials, and building processes. Students will develop the sophisticated skill of conceptualization. More advanced problems will be assigned, and students will have the opportunity to explore a wide range of material and process possibilities for their resolution. A heightened awareness of idea development and design research will be explored. Inclusion of 21st century themes in the arts of social cultural and community. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** (Prerequisites: FDTN-131 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
FDTN-232 | 3D Design II Workshop: Topic This workshop provides students with the opportunity to learn more about 3D compositions within a more open and experimental realm while still covering the core Foundation concepts. Different topics may be taken in the same semester. Topics may only be taken once. The focus is on composing three-dimensional form and its
relationship to space. Material exposure will be determined by the topic’s instructor. (Prerequisites: FDTN-131 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Spring). |
YOPS-10 | RIT 365: RIT Connections RIT 365 students participate in experiential learning opportunities designed to launch them into their career at RIT, support them in making multiple and varied connections across the university, and immerse them in processes of competency development. Students will plan for and reflect on their first-year experiences, receive feedback, and develop a personal plan for future action in order to develop foundational self-awareness and recognize broad-based professional competencies. (This class is restricted to incoming 1st year or global campus students.) Lecture 1 (Fall, Spring). |
0 |
General Education – First-Year Writing (WI) |
3 | |
General Education – Social Perspective |
3 | |
Second Year | ||
FDTN-141 | 4D Design 4D Design introduces students to the basic concepts of art and design in time and space. The course explores elements of moving images such as continuity, still and moving image editing, transitions and syntax, sound and image relations, and principles of movement. Computers, video, photo, sound and lighting equipment are used to create short-form time-based work relevant to students in all majors and programs required to take this course. The course addresses the both historical conventions of time in art and recent technological advances, which are redefining the fields of Fine Art and Design. In focusing on the relations between students' spacing and timing skills, 4D Design extends and supplements the other Foundation courses, and prepares students for further work with time-based media. (Undergraduate Art and Design) Lab 5 (Fall, Spring). |
3 |
PAIT-201 | Introduction to Painting This course will explore techniques in painting to advance students’ understanding of subjects such as color theory, building compositions and the effective use of painting materials. Individual approaches to content range from abstraction through representational art, as students address contemporary visual arts issues. * Fee: There is a course fee applied via student account. * (Prerequisite: FDTN-111 or DDDD-208 or ITDI-211 or SOFA-108 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
PAIT-501 | Painting This course engages students in contemporary visual art practice through a personal exploration of painting techniques. Individual approaches to painting address issues of representation and abstraction to build a portfolio for further career advancement. Course may be repeatable. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course** (Prerequisites: (C or better in PAIT-201 or PAIT-233) and (ITDI-211 or FDTN-111) or equivalent courses.) Studio 6 (Fall, Spring). |
3 |
PRNT-201 | Introduction to Printmaking This course is a comprehensive introduction to printmaking concepts and techniques. Organized to create a broad introductory experience, the course will focus on the expansion of problem solving and skill building within the context of printmaking. The course addresses a wide variety of media, tools, techniques both traditional and technological, and theoretical concepts to facilitate skill development and experimentation with process. Accumulative aspects of the curriculum include the exploration of historical and cultural concepts of materiality and the multiple intertwined with aspects of personal interpretation and experience. ** Fee: There is a course fee applied via student account. ** (Prerequisites: FDTN-111 or ITDI-211 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
SCUL-201 | Introduction to Sculpture This course will examine professional sculptural practices, processes, and materials. Course content will cover additive, subtractive, assemblage, and substitution processes of making sculpture along with historical and contemporary approaches to the field. Students will develop skills in relation to individual concepts and directions. At the completion of this course students will learn how to create and critique sculptures that effectively communicate ideas. ** Fee: There is a lab fee required for this course** (Prerequisites: FDTN-131 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
STAR-505 | Figure Drawing This course will focus on building figure drawing skills in a traditional life drawing class format with emphasis on dynamic line quality, visual perception and contemporary approaches to figure drawing. Students will work directly from the model in a variety of media. At the completion of this course, students will gain an understanding of diverse representations and applications of the human figure using various drawing materials and processes. (Prerequisites: FDTN-111 or ITDI-211 or ITDI-236 or SOFA-108 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
CAD Studio Elective† |
3 | |
Art History Elective‡ |
3 | |
General Education – Ethical Perspective |
3 | |
Choose one of the following: | 3 |
General Education – Natural Science Inquiry Perspective |
General Education – Scientific Principles Perspective |
General Education – Mathematical Perspective A or B |
Third Year | ||
PAIT-501 | Painting This course engages students in contemporary visual art practice through a personal exploration of painting techniques. Individual approaches to painting address issues of representation and abstraction to build a portfolio for further career advancement. Course may be repeatable. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course** (Prerequisites: (C or better in PAIT-201 or PAIT-233) and (ITDI-211 or FDTN-111) or equivalent courses.) Studio 6 (Fall, Spring). |
6 |
STAR-311 | Ideation and Series This course will examine appropriate skills and strategies to generate ideas and develop them effectively. Through personal and group generative idea exercises, journaling and research students will explore individual ideas and personal interests to produce a final series of creative works. (Prerequisites: FDTN-141 or equivalent course or students enrolled in the WOOD-AOS program.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
Choose one of the following: | 3 |
PAIT-460 | Watercolor This course will focus on the exploration of watercolor concepts and techniques to enhance skills and personal expression of the individual student. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course** (Prerequisites: FDTN-111 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall, Spring). |
PAIT-561 | Painting the Natural World This class will examine the natural world in our current culture using technical aspects of oil paint. Course content will cover the transition from direct observation to conceptual work. Students will create a body of artwork referencing assigned readings and personally-driven research relating to contemporary themes, such as identity, the body, time, memory, place, language, science, spirituality, and connection to nature. At the completion of this course, students will be able to use the skills from a technical overview of observational painting to create paintings exploring developed ideas based on research. **Fee: A course fee applied via student account. ** (Prerequisites: FDTN-111 or DDDD-208 or ITDI-211 or SOFA-108 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
PAIT-571 | Painting the Figure This course will explore materials and techniques used in painting the human form. Theory and practice of color and drawing will be used to develop an understanding of how to portray the figure. Traditional and contemporary approaches to figurative painting will be explored. **Fee: There is a materials fee required for this course and an additional course fee applied via student account. ** (Prerequisites: FDTN-111 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall, Spring). |
Art History Elective‡ |
3 | |
General Education – Immersion 1 (WI-GE) |
3 | |
CAD Studio Electives† |
6 | |
General Education – Elective |
3 | |
Open Elective |
3 | |
Fourth Year | ||
PAIT-501 | Painting This course engages students in contemporary visual art practice through a personal exploration of painting techniques. Individual approaches to painting address issues of representation and abstraction to build a portfolio for further career advancement. Course may be repeatable. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course** (Prerequisites: (C or better in PAIT-201 or PAIT-233) and (ITDI-211 or FDTN-111) or equivalent courses.) Studio 6 (Fall, Spring). |
6 |
STAR-401 | Senior Capstone This course will focus on the production and exhibition of a representative body of artwork. Students will participate in an articulated process of making, engaging in comprehensive research that expands and supports their work, developing a rationale for the use of media and process, creating sketches and models, and the refining work through critiquing and editing. All of this will culminate in the professional presentation of oral, written, and visual work that contextualizes the students’ positions within contemporary artistic practice. Students will also be involved in every aspect of their senior shows from creating the work to installing the exhibition and preparing marketing materials. (Prerequisites: STAR-311 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Spring). |
3 |
STAR-411 | Business Practices for Artists (WI-PR) This course is devoted to the practical business issues that artists must address, such as: building and maintaining a portfolio, pricing, engaging established and emerging marketing strategies, public relations, and the professional presence. Students will develop the skills necessary to create a sustainable post-academic studio practice. Financial organization, communication, and networking, as well as archiving, grant writing, and interfacing with exhibition opportunities will be explored through research projects, writing assignments, and group discussion. (Prerequisites: STAR-311 or equivalent course or student standing in WOOD-AOS.) Lecture 3 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
Choose one of the following: | 3 |
PAIT-460 | Watercolor This course will focus on the exploration of watercolor concepts and techniques to enhance skills and personal expression of the individual student. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course** (Prerequisites: FDTN-111 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall, Spring). |
PAIT-561 | Painting the Natural World This class will examine the natural world in our current culture using technical aspects of oil paint. Course content will cover the transition from direct observation to conceptual work. Students will create a body of artwork referencing assigned readings and personally-driven research relating to contemporary themes, such as identity, the body, time, memory, place, language, science, spirituality, and connection to nature. At the completion of this course, students will be able to use the skills from a technical overview of observational painting to create paintings exploring developed ideas based on research. **Fee: A course fee applied via student account. ** (Prerequisites: FDTN-111 or DDDD-208 or ITDI-211 or SOFA-108 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
PAIT-571 | Painting the Figure This course will explore materials and techniques used in painting the human form. Theory and practice of color and drawing will be used to develop an understanding of how to portray the figure. Traditional and contemporary approaches to figurative painting will be explored. **Fee: There is a materials fee required for this course and an additional course fee applied via student account. ** (Prerequisites: FDTN-111 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall, Spring). |
General Education – Immersion 2, 3 |
6 | |
Open Electives |
9 | |
Total Semester Credit Hours | 120 |
Please see General Education Curriculum (GE) for more information.
(WI) Refers to a writing intensive course within the major.
* Please see Wellness Education Requirement for more information. Students completing bachelor's degrees are required to complete two different Wellness courses.
† CAD Studio Electives are College of Art and Design with a lab or studio component, per catalog restrictions.
‡ Art History electives are non-studio courses searchable in SIS with the Art History attribute of ARTH and are 200-level and above.
Studio Arts (printmaking option), BFA degree, typical course sequence
Course | Sem. Cr. Hrs. | |
First Year | ||
ARTH-1## | Any 100-level ARTH Course (General Education – Artistic Perspective) |
3 |
ARTH-1## | Any 100-level ARTH Course (General Education – Global Perspective) |
3 |
FDTN-111 | Drawing I This course is an introduction to the visualization of form, thought, and expression through the drawing process and is the first of two sequential courses that are the foundation of the drawing curriculum in the College of Art and Design. Concepts are introduced by lectures, discussions, and demonstrations which are designed to provide a broad introductory experience. Students will experiment with a wide variety of media, tools, techniques and subjects to develop drawing and problem-solving skills related to form and composition. The focus of the course is to provide awareness of the full range of ways in which drawing is used as a tool for both self-expression and communication. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
FDTN-121 | 2D Design I This course is an introduction to the basic elements and principles of two-dimensional design and is foundational to the College of Art and Design curriculum. The focus of this course is the development of visual and verbal vocabularies as a means of exploring and understanding two-dimensional design. Students will engage with a wide variety of media, tools, and techniques to develop skills while delving into the theoretical and experimentational processes of contemporary art and design. The exploration of historical and cultural themes and concepts intertwined with aspects of personal interpretation and experience will be included in the curriculum. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
FDTN-131 | 3D Design I This course presents a progressive study in terminology, visual principles, exploration, concept generation, process, and techniques of three-dimensional design and is foundational to the College of Art and Design curriculum. Using hands-on problem solving, student will develop an informed understanding of the three-dimensional form and space with an emphasis on the elements and principles of visual design and their function as the building blocks and guidelines for ordering a three-dimensional composition. A heightened awareness of form and space will be developed through lecture, assigned projects, and critiques. Students will also develop a personal awareness of problem seeking and solving, experimentation and critical analysis. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
Choose one of the following: | 3 |
FDTN-112 | Drawing II From observation of still life, the figure, and interior/exterior spaces, Drawing II continues to build on the foundation of the College of Art and Design drawing curriculum. This course continues the study of traditional drawing mediums and techniques while introducing color and a selection of contemporary practices and tools through examining organic and geometric mark making, form, space and value. Core concepts are introduced by lectures, discussions, and demonstrations; the primary assessment method of course work will be through critiques which facilitate growth of both a visual and verbal vocabulary. The focus of the course is to provide awareness of the full range of ways in which drawing is used as a tool for self-expression, communication and continued development of creative practice and problem solving. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** (Prerequisites: FDTN-111 or ITDI-211 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
FDTN-212 | Drawing II Workshop: Topics This course is an investigation of the visualization of form, thought and expression through the drawing process. This workshop provides students with the opportunity to learn more about a particular experience in drawing while still covering required foundation elements. Different topics may be taken in the same semester. Topics may only be taken once. Concepts are introduced by lectures, discussions, demonstrations, research and assigned projects.. The focus of the course is to provide awareness of the full range of ways in which drawing is used as a tool for both self-expression and communication. (Prerequisites: FDTN-111 or ITDI-211 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Spring). |
Choose one of the following: | 3 |
FDTN-122 | 2D Design II This course is the second part of the sequential two-dimensional design curriculum within the College of Art and Design. This course builds on the broad introductory experiences in 2D I; students will expand their visual and verbal vocabulary while exploring advanced design concepts through interdisciplinary activities, practices, and exploration. The themes and concepts explored in this course are intertwined with aspects of personal interpretation and experience alongside historical and cultural themes. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** (Prerequisites: FDTN-121 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
FDTN-222 | 2D Design II Workshop: Topic This workshop provides students with the opportunity to learn more about 2D compositions within a more open and experimental approach while still covering the core foundational 2D design II concepts. Different topics may be taken in the same semester, but unique topics may only be taken once. Material and conceptual focus will be determined by the faculty proposing each unique topic. (Prerequisites: FDTN-121 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Spring). |
Choose one of the following: | 3 |
FDTN-132 | 3D Design II This course is the second course in the three-dimensional design curriculum and is foundational to the College of Art and Design education. The focus of the course is on composing three-dimensional form and its relationship to space. Students will build on their prior term experiences, which include the introduction to three-dimensional principles, materials, and building processes. Students will develop the sophisticated skill of conceptualization. More advanced problems will be assigned, and students will have the opportunity to explore a wide range of material and process possibilities for their resolution. A heightened awareness of idea development and design research will be explored. Inclusion of 21st century themes in the arts of social cultural and community. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** (Prerequisites: FDTN-131 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
FDTN-232 | 3D Design II Workshop: Topic This workshop provides students with the opportunity to learn more about 3D compositions within a more open and experimental realm while still covering the core Foundation concepts. Different topics may be taken in the same semester. Topics may only be taken once. The focus is on composing three-dimensional form and its
relationship to space. Material exposure will be determined by the topic’s instructor. (Prerequisites: FDTN-131 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Spring). |
YOPS-10 | RIT 365: RIT Connections RIT 365 students participate in experiential learning opportunities designed to launch them into their career at RIT, support them in making multiple and varied connections across the university, and immerse them in processes of competency development. Students will plan for and reflect on their first-year experiences, receive feedback, and develop a personal plan for future action in order to develop foundational self-awareness and recognize broad-based professional competencies. (This class is restricted to incoming 1st year or global campus students.) Lecture 1 (Fall, Spring). |
0 |
General Education – First-Year Writing (WI) |
3 | |
General Education – Social Perspective |
3 | |
Second Year | ||
FDTN-141 | 4D Design 4D Design introduces students to the basic concepts of art and design in time and space. The course explores elements of moving images such as continuity, still and moving image editing, transitions and syntax, sound and image relations, and principles of movement. Computers, video, photo, sound and lighting equipment are used to create short-form time-based work relevant to students in all majors and programs required to take this course. The course addresses the both historical conventions of time in art and recent technological advances, which are redefining the fields of Fine Art and Design. In focusing on the relations between students' spacing and timing skills, 4D Design extends and supplements the other Foundation courses, and prepares students for further work with time-based media. (Undergraduate Art and Design) Lab 5 (Fall, Spring). |
3 |
PAIT-201 | Introduction to Painting This course will explore techniques in painting to advance students’ understanding of subjects such as color theory, building compositions and the effective use of painting materials. Individual approaches to content range from abstraction through representational art, as students address contemporary visual arts issues. * Fee: There is a course fee applied via student account. * (Prerequisite: FDTN-111 or DDDD-208 or ITDI-211 or SOFA-108 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
PRNT-201 | Introduction to Printmaking This course is a comprehensive introduction to printmaking concepts and techniques. Organized to create a broad introductory experience, the course will focus on the expansion of problem solving and skill building within the context of printmaking. The course addresses a wide variety of media, tools, techniques both traditional and technological, and theoretical concepts to facilitate skill development and experimentation with process. Accumulative aspects of the curriculum include the exploration of historical and cultural concepts of materiality and the multiple intertwined with aspects of personal interpretation and experience. ** Fee: There is a course fee applied via student account. ** (Prerequisites: FDTN-111 or ITDI-211 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
PRNT-501 | Printmaking This course is designed to introduce advanced non-toxic printmaking concepts and techniques. The focus will be on non-toxic intaglio printmaking research and how to creatively apply techniques that will result in sophisticated works of art. Course may be repeated. **Fee: There is a lab fee required for this course** (Prerequisites: PRNT-201 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall, Spring). |
3 |
SCUL-201 | Introduction to Sculpture This course will examine professional sculptural practices, processes, and materials. Course content will cover additive, subtractive, assemblage, and substitution processes of making sculpture along with historical and contemporary approaches to the field. Students will develop skills in relation to individual concepts and directions. At the completion of this course students will learn how to create and critique sculptures that effectively communicate ideas. ** Fee: There is a lab fee required for this course** (Prerequisites: FDTN-131 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
STAR-505 | Figure Drawing This course will focus on building figure drawing skills in a traditional life drawing class format with emphasis on dynamic line quality, visual perception and contemporary approaches to figure drawing. Students will work directly from the model in a variety of media. At the completion of this course, students will gain an understanding of diverse representations and applications of the human figure using various drawing materials and processes. (Prerequisites: FDTN-111 or ITDI-211 or ITDI-236 or SOFA-108 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
CAD Studio Elective† |
3 | |
Art History Elective‡ |
3 | |
General Education – Ethical Perspective |
3 | |
Choose one of the following: | 3 |
General Education – Natural Science Inquiry Perspective |
General Education – Scientific Principles Perspective |
General Education – Mathematical Perspective A or B |
Third Year | ||
PRNT-501 | Printmaking This course is designed to introduce advanced non-toxic printmaking concepts and techniques. The focus will be on non-toxic intaglio printmaking research and how to creatively apply techniques that will result in sophisticated works of art. Course may be repeated. **Fee: There is a lab fee required for this course** (Prerequisites: PRNT-201 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall, Spring). |
6 |
STAR-311 | Ideation and Series This course will examine appropriate skills and strategies to generate ideas and develop them effectively. Through personal and group generative idea exercises, journaling and research students will explore individual ideas and personal interests to produce a final series of creative works. (Prerequisites: FDTN-141 or equivalent course or students enrolled in the WOOD-AOS program.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
Choose one of the following: | 3 |
STAR-268 | Bookbinding This course is an introduction to the many different binding options ranging from saddle-stitched pamphlets to hardcover books, as well as the wide range of materials available. Contemporary procedures of finishing on demand publications are part of this course. Students are encouraged to bring with them some personal projects for binding. No prerequisites are required; however, good manual dexterity is desired. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course** (This course is available to RIT degree-seeking undergraduate students.) Studio 6 (Fall, Spring). |
STAR-568 | Letterpress Printmaking This course will introduce the technologies of letterpress printing as applied to the creation of fine art prints. Students will generate several printed works using vintage metal and wood type set by hand, and then combine these traditional skills with innovative 21st century relief printing techniques. Students will learn platen and cylinder press printing and maintenance in order to make small editions of multi-color printed works. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
STAR-578 | Screenprinting This course is a comprehensive introduction to silkscreen printing concepts and techniques. Organized to create a broad introductory experience, the course will focus on the expansion of problem solving and skill building within the context of screen-printing. The course addresses a wide variety of media, tools, techniques both traditional and technological and the theoretical concepts to facilitate skill development and experimentation with process. Accumulative aspects of the curriculum include the exploration of historical and cultural concepts of materiality and the multiple, intertwined with aspects of personal interpretation and experience. **Fee: There is a lab fee required for this course** Studio 6 (Fall, Spring). |
Art History Elective‡ |
3 | |
General Education – Immersion 1 (WI-GE) |
3 | |
CAD Studio Electives† |
6 | |
General Education – Elective |
3 | |
Open Elective |
3 | |
Fourth Year | ||
PRNT-501 | Printmaking This course is designed to introduce advanced non-toxic printmaking concepts and techniques. The focus will be on non-toxic intaglio printmaking research and how to creatively apply techniques that will result in sophisticated works of art. Course may be repeated. **Fee: There is a lab fee required for this course** (Prerequisites: PRNT-201 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall, Spring). |
6 |
STAR-411 | Business Practices for Artists (WI-PR) This course is devoted to the practical business issues that artists must address, such as: building and maintaining a portfolio, pricing, engaging established and emerging marketing strategies, public relations, and the professional presence. Students will develop the skills necessary to create a sustainable post-academic studio practice. Financial organization, communication, and networking, as well as archiving, grant writing, and interfacing with exhibition opportunities will be explored through research projects, writing assignments, and group discussion. (Prerequisites: STAR-311 or equivalent course or student standing in WOOD-AOS.) Lecture 3 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
STAR-401 | STAR Capstone This course will focus on the production and exhibition of a representative body of artwork. Students will participate in an articulated process of making, engaging in comprehensive research that expands and supports their work, developing a rationale for the use of media and process, creating sketches and models, and the refining work through critiquing and editing. All of this will culminate in the professional presentation of oral, written, and visual work that contextualizes the students’ positions within contemporary artistic practice. Students will also be involved in every aspect of their senior shows from creating the work to installing the exhibition and preparing marketing materials. (Prerequisites: STAR-311 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Spring). |
3 |
Choose one of the following: | 3 |
STAR-268 | Bookbinding This course is an introduction to the many different binding options ranging from saddle-stitched pamphlets to hardcover books, as well as the wide range of materials available. Contemporary procedures of finishing on demand publications are part of this course. Students are encouraged to bring with them some personal projects for binding. No prerequisites are required; however, good manual dexterity is desired. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course** (This course is available to RIT degree-seeking undergraduate students.) Studio 6 (Fall, Spring). |
STAR-568 | Letterpress Printmaking This course will introduce the technologies of letterpress printing as applied to the creation of fine art prints. Students will generate several printed works using vintage metal and wood type set by hand, and then combine these traditional skills with innovative 21st century relief printing techniques. Students will learn platen and cylinder press printing and maintenance in order to make small editions of multi-color printed works. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
STAR-578 | Screenprinting This course is a comprehensive introduction to silkscreen printing concepts and techniques. Organized to create a broad introductory experience, the course will focus on the expansion of problem solving and skill building within the context of screen-printing. The course addresses a wide variety of media, tools, techniques both traditional and technological and the theoretical concepts to facilitate skill development and experimentation with process. Accumulative aspects of the curriculum include the exploration of historical and cultural concepts of materiality and the multiple, intertwined with aspects of personal interpretation and experience. **Fee: There is a lab fee required for this course** Studio 6 (Fall, Spring). |
General Education – Immersion 2, 3 |
6 | |
Open Electives |
9 | |
Total Semester Credit Hours | 120 |
Please see General Education Curriculum (GE) for more information.
(WI) Refers to a writing intensive course within the major.
* Please see Wellness Education Requirement for more information. Students completing bachelor's degrees are required to complete two different Wellness courses.
† CAD Studio Electives are College of Art and Design courses with lab or studio component, per catalog restrictions.
‡ Art History electives are non-studio courses searchable in SIS with the Art History attribute of ARTH and are 200-level or above.
Studio Arts (sculpture option), BFA degree, typical course sequence
Course | Sem. Cr. Hrs. | |
First Year | ||
ARTH-1## | Any 100-level ARTH Course (General Education – Artistic Perspective) |
3 |
ARTH-1## | Any 100-level ARTH Course (General Education – Global Perspective) |
3 |
FDTN-111 | Drawing I This course is an introduction to the visualization of form, thought, and expression through the drawing process and is the first of two sequential courses that are the foundation of the drawing curriculum in the College of Art and Design. Concepts are introduced by lectures, discussions, and demonstrations which are designed to provide a broad introductory experience. Students will experiment with a wide variety of media, tools, techniques and subjects to develop drawing and problem-solving skills related to form and composition. The focus of the course is to provide awareness of the full range of ways in which drawing is used as a tool for both self-expression and communication. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
FDTN-121 | 2D Design I This course is an introduction to the basic elements and principles of two-dimensional design and is foundational to the College of Art and Design curriculum. The focus of this course is the development of visual and verbal vocabularies as a means of exploring and understanding two-dimensional design. Students will engage with a wide variety of media, tools, and techniques to develop skills while delving into the theoretical and experimentational processes of contemporary art and design. The exploration of historical and cultural themes and concepts intertwined with aspects of personal interpretation and experience will be included in the curriculum. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
FDTN-131 | 3D Design I This course presents a progressive study in terminology, visual principles, exploration, concept generation, process, and techniques of three-dimensional design and is foundational to the College of Art and Design curriculum. Using hands-on problem solving, student will develop an informed understanding of the three-dimensional form and space with an emphasis on the elements and principles of visual design and their function as the building blocks and guidelines for ordering a three-dimensional composition. A heightened awareness of form and space will be developed through lecture, assigned projects, and critiques. Students will also develop a personal awareness of problem seeking and solving, experimentation and critical analysis. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
Choose one of the following: | 3 |
FDTN-112 | Drawing II From observation of still life, the figure, and interior/exterior spaces, Drawing II continues to build on the foundation of the College of Art and Design drawing curriculum. This course continues the study of traditional drawing mediums and techniques while introducing color and a selection of contemporary practices and tools through examining organic and geometric mark making, form, space and value. Core concepts are introduced by lectures, discussions, and demonstrations; the primary assessment method of course work will be through critiques which facilitate growth of both a visual and verbal vocabulary. The focus of the course is to provide awareness of the full range of ways in which drawing is used as a tool for self-expression, communication and continued development of creative practice and problem solving. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** (Prerequisites: FDTN-111 or ITDI-211 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
FDTN-212 | Drawing II Workshop: Topics This course is an investigation of the visualization of form, thought and expression through the drawing process. This workshop provides students with the opportunity to learn more about a particular experience in drawing while still covering required foundation elements. Different topics may be taken in the same semester. Topics may only be taken once. Concepts are introduced by lectures, discussions, demonstrations, research and assigned projects.. The focus of the course is to provide awareness of the full range of ways in which drawing is used as a tool for both self-expression and communication. (Prerequisites: FDTN-111 or ITDI-211 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Spring). |
Choose one of the following: | 3 |
FDTN-122 | 2D Design II This course is the second part of the sequential two-dimensional design curriculum within the College of Art and Design. This course builds on the broad introductory experiences in 2D I; students will expand their visual and verbal vocabulary while exploring advanced design concepts through interdisciplinary activities, practices, and exploration. The themes and concepts explored in this course are intertwined with aspects of personal interpretation and experience alongside historical and cultural themes. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** (Prerequisites: FDTN-121 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
FDTN-222 | 2D Design II Workshop: Topic This workshop provides students with the opportunity to learn more about 2D compositions within a more open and experimental approach while still covering the core foundational 2D design II concepts. Different topics may be taken in the same semester, but unique topics may only be taken once. Material and conceptual focus will be determined by the faculty proposing each unique topic. (Prerequisites: FDTN-121 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Spring). |
Choose one of the following: | 3 |
FDTN-132 | 3D Design II This course is the second course in the three-dimensional design curriculum and is foundational to the College of Art and Design education. The focus of the course is on composing three-dimensional form and its relationship to space. Students will build on their prior term experiences, which include the introduction to three-dimensional principles, materials, and building processes. Students will develop the sophisticated skill of conceptualization. More advanced problems will be assigned, and students will have the opportunity to explore a wide range of material and process possibilities for their resolution. A heightened awareness of idea development and design research will be explored. Inclusion of 21st century themes in the arts of social cultural and community. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** (Prerequisites: FDTN-131 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
FDTN-232 | 3D Design II Workshop: Topic This workshop provides students with the opportunity to learn more about 3D compositions within a more open and experimental realm while still covering the core Foundation concepts. Different topics may be taken in the same semester. Topics may only be taken once. The focus is on composing three-dimensional form and its
relationship to space. Material exposure will be determined by the topic’s instructor. (Prerequisites: FDTN-131 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Spring). |
YOPS-10 | RIT 365: RIT Connections RIT 365 students participate in experiential learning opportunities designed to launch them into their career at RIT, support them in making multiple and varied connections across the university, and immerse them in processes of competency development. Students will plan for and reflect on their first-year experiences, receive feedback, and develop a personal plan for future action in order to develop foundational self-awareness and recognize broad-based professional competencies. (This class is restricted to incoming 1st year or global campus students.) Lecture 1 (Fall, Spring). |
0 |
General Education – First-Year Writing (WI) |
3 | |
General Education – Social Perspective |
3 | |
Second Year | ||
FDTN-141 | 4D Design 4D Design introduces students to the basic concepts of art and design in time and space. The course explores elements of moving images such as continuity, still and moving image editing, transitions and syntax, sound and image relations, and principles of movement. Computers, video, photo, sound and lighting equipment are used to create short-form time-based work relevant to students in all majors and programs required to take this course. The course addresses the both historical conventions of time in art and recent technological advances, which are redefining the fields of Fine Art and Design. In focusing on the relations between students' spacing and timing skills, 4D Design extends and supplements the other Foundation courses, and prepares students for further work with time-based media. (Undergraduate Art and Design) Lab 5 (Fall, Spring). |
3 |
PAIT-201 | Introduction to Painting This course will explore techniques in painting to advance students’ understanding of subjects such as color theory, building compositions and the effective use of painting materials. Individual approaches to content range from abstraction through representational art, as students address contemporary visual arts issues. * Fee: There is a course fee applied via student account. * (Prerequisite: FDTN-111 or DDDD-208 or ITDI-211 or SOFA-108 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
PRNT-201 | Introduction to Printmaking This course is a comprehensive introduction to printmaking concepts and techniques. Organized to create a broad introductory experience, the course will focus on the expansion of problem solving and skill building within the context of printmaking. The course addresses a wide variety of media, tools, techniques both traditional and technological, and theoretical concepts to facilitate skill development and experimentation with process. Accumulative aspects of the curriculum include the exploration of historical and cultural concepts of materiality and the multiple intertwined with aspects of personal interpretation and experience. ** Fee: There is a course fee applied via student account. ** (Prerequisites: FDTN-111 or ITDI-211 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
SCUL-201 | Introduction to Sculpture This course will examine professional sculptural practices, processes, and materials. Course content will cover additive, subtractive, assemblage, and substitution processes of making sculpture along with historical and contemporary approaches to the field. Students will develop skills in relation to individual concepts and directions. At the completion of this course students will learn how to create and critique sculptures that effectively communicate ideas. ** Fee: There is a lab fee required for this course** (Prerequisites: FDTN-131 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
SCUL-501 | Sculpture This course allows students to explore concepts, materials, processes, and techniques to develop a personal, cohesive three-dimensional body of work. Theories and history of sculpture will be discussed as relevant to individual directions. Course may be repeated. **Fee: There is a lab fee required for this course** (Prerequisites: SCUL-201 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall, Spring). |
3 |
STAR-505 | Figure Drawing This course will focus on building figure drawing skills in a traditional life drawing class format with emphasis on dynamic line quality, visual perception and contemporary approaches to figure drawing. Students will work directly from the model in a variety of media. At the completion of this course, students will gain an understanding of diverse representations and applications of the human figure using various drawing materials and processes. (Prerequisites: FDTN-111 or ITDI-211 or ITDI-236 or SOFA-108 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
CAD Studio Elective† |
3 | |
Art History Elective‡ |
3 | |
General Education – Ethical Perspective |
3 | |
Choose one of the following: | 3 |
General Education – Natural Science Inquiry Perspective |
General Education – Scientific Principles Perspective |
General Education – Mathematical Perspective A or B |
Third Year | ||
SCUL-501 | Sculpture This course allows students to explore concepts, materials, processes, and techniques to develop a personal, cohesive three-dimensional body of work. Theories and history of sculpture will be discussed as relevant to individual directions. Course may be repeated. **Fee: There is a lab fee required for this course** (Prerequisites: SCUL-201 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall, Spring). |
6 |
STAR-311 | Ideation and Series This course will examine appropriate skills and strategies to generate ideas and develop them effectively. Through personal and group generative idea exercises, journaling and research students will explore individual ideas and personal interests to produce a final series of creative works. (Prerequisites: FDTN-141 or equivalent course or students enrolled in the WOOD-AOS program.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
Choose one of the following: | 3 |
SCUL-543 | Foundry Practices This course is designed to introduce or develop students’ skills in casting metals with an emphasis on cast iron and the use of a cupola. Advanced pattern-making, mold-making, sprueing, patination, and casting techniques will be introduced. Students will develop their concepts through cast metal sculpture. **A lab fee is required for this course** (Prerequisites: FDTN-131 or SCUL-269 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
SCUL-573 | Figure Sculpture This course will focus on the creation of three-dimensional figurative work. Course content will cover sculpting directly from live models and creating multiple armatures. Students will use this knowledge to create several oil clay maquettes. At the completion of this course students will produce a finished figurative sculpture translating a chosen maquette into a permanent material. *A lab fee is required for this course* (Prerequisites: FDTN-131 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
SCUL-583 | Welding and Fabrication This course will introduce develop skills in metal fabrication. Course content will cover several different types of equipment utilized in the welding and cutting processes. Students will learn to learn to effectively use equipment to fabricate mild steel. At the completion of this course students will complete a body of work consisting of finished fabricated steel sculptures. The course will be taught off-campus at Rochester Arc and Flame Center, 115 Fedex Way, Rochester, NY. **Fee: There is a materials fee required for this course and an additional course fee applied via SFS bill. See course notes for course fee information** (Prerequisites: FDTN-131 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
Art History Elective‡ |
3 | |
General Education – Immersion 1 (WI-GE) |
3 | |
CAD Studio Electives† |
6 | |
General Education – Elective |
3 | |
Open Elective |
3 | |
Fourth Year | ||
SCUL-501 | Sculpture This course allows students to explore concepts, materials, processes, and techniques to develop a personal, cohesive three-dimensional body of work. Theories and history of sculpture will be discussed as relevant to individual directions. Course may be repeated. **Fee: There is a lab fee required for this course** (Prerequisites: SCUL-201 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall, Spring). |
6 |
STAR-401 | Senior Capstone This course will focus on the production and exhibition of a representative body of artwork. Students will participate in an articulated process of making, engaging in comprehensive research that expands and supports their work, developing a rationale for the use of media and process, creating sketches and models, and the refining work through critiquing and editing. All of this will culminate in the professional presentation of oral, written, and visual work that contextualizes the students’ positions within contemporary artistic practice. Students will also be involved in every aspect of their senior shows from creating the work to installing the exhibition and preparing marketing materials. (Prerequisites: STAR-311 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Spring). |
3 |
STAR-411 | Business Practices for Artists (WI-PR) This course is devoted to the practical business issues that artists must address, such as: building and maintaining a portfolio, pricing, engaging established and emerging marketing strategies, public relations, and the professional presence. Students will develop the skills necessary to create a sustainable post-academic studio practice. Financial organization, communication, and networking, as well as archiving, grant writing, and interfacing with exhibition opportunities will be explored through research projects, writing assignments, and group discussion. (Prerequisites: STAR-311 or equivalent course or student standing in WOOD-AOS.) Lecture 3 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
Choose one of the following: | 3 |
SCUL-543 | Foundry Practices This course is designed to introduce or develop students’ skills in casting metals with an emphasis on cast iron and the use of a cupola. Advanced pattern-making, mold-making, sprueing, patination, and casting techniques will be introduced. Students will develop their concepts through cast metal sculpture. **A lab fee is required for this course** (Prerequisites: FDTN-131 or SCUL-269 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
SCUL-573 | Figure Sculpture This course will focus on the creation of three-dimensional figurative work. Course content will cover sculpting directly from live models and creating multiple armatures. Students will use this knowledge to create several oil clay maquettes. At the completion of this course students will produce a finished figurative sculpture translating a chosen maquette into a permanent material. *A lab fee is required for this course* (Prerequisites: FDTN-131 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
SCUL-583 | Welding and Fabrication This course will introduce develop skills in metal fabrication. Course content will cover several different types of equipment utilized in the welding and cutting processes. Students will learn to learn to effectively use equipment to fabricate mild steel. At the completion of this course students will complete a body of work consisting of finished fabricated steel sculptures. The course will be taught off-campus at Rochester Arc and Flame Center, 115 Fedex Way, Rochester, NY. **Fee: There is a materials fee required for this course and an additional course fee applied via SFS bill. See course notes for course fee information** (Prerequisites: FDTN-131 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
General Education – Immersion 2, 3 |
6 | |
Open Electives |
9 | |
Total Semester Credit Hours | 120 |
Please see General Education Curriculum (GE) for more information.
(WI) Refers to a writing intensive course within the major.
* Please see Wellness Education Requirement for more information. Students completing bachelor's degrees are required to complete two different Wellness courses.
† CAD Studio Electives are College of Art and Design courses with lab or studio component, per catalog restrictions.
‡ Art History electives are non-studio courses searchable in SIS with the Art History attribute of ARTH and are 200-level or above.
Studio Arts (sculpture and expanded forms option), BFA degree, typical course sequence
Course | Sem. Cr. Hrs. | |
First Year | ||
ARTH-1## | Any 100-level ARTH Course (General Education – Artistic Perspective) |
3 |
ARTH-1## | Any 100-level ARTH Course (General Education – Global Perspective) |
3 |
FDTN-111 | Drawing I This course is an introduction to the visualization of form, thought, and expression through the drawing process and is the first of two sequential courses that are the foundation of the drawing curriculum in the College of Art and Design. Concepts are introduced by lectures, discussions, and demonstrations which are designed to provide a broad introductory experience. Students will experiment with a wide variety of media, tools, techniques and subjects to develop drawing and problem-solving skills related to form and composition. The focus of the course is to provide awareness of the full range of ways in which drawing is used as a tool for both self-expression and communication. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
FDTN-121 | 2D Design I This course is an introduction to the basic elements and principles of two-dimensional design and is foundational to the College of Art and Design curriculum. The focus of this course is the development of visual and verbal vocabularies as a means of exploring and understanding two-dimensional design. Students will engage with a wide variety of media, tools, and techniques to develop skills while delving into the theoretical and experimentational processes of contemporary art and design. The exploration of historical and cultural themes and concepts intertwined with aspects of personal interpretation and experience will be included in the curriculum. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
FDTN-131 | 3D Design I This course presents a progressive study in terminology, visual principles, exploration, concept generation, process, and techniques of three-dimensional design and is foundational to the College of Art and Design curriculum. Using hands-on problem solving, student will develop an informed understanding of the three-dimensional form and space with an emphasis on the elements and principles of visual design and their function as the building blocks and guidelines for ordering a three-dimensional composition. A heightened awareness of form and space will be developed through lecture, assigned projects, and critiques. Students will also develop a personal awareness of problem seeking and solving, experimentation and critical analysis. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
Choose one of the following: | 3 |
FDTN-112 | Drawing II From observation of still life, the figure, and interior/exterior spaces, Drawing II continues to build on the foundation of the College of Art and Design drawing curriculum. This course continues the study of traditional drawing mediums and techniques while introducing color and a selection of contemporary practices and tools through examining organic and geometric mark making, form, space and value. Core concepts are introduced by lectures, discussions, and demonstrations; the primary assessment method of course work will be through critiques which facilitate growth of both a visual and verbal vocabulary. The focus of the course is to provide awareness of the full range of ways in which drawing is used as a tool for self-expression, communication and continued development of creative practice and problem solving. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** (Prerequisites: FDTN-111 or ITDI-211 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
FDTN-212 | Drawing II Workshop: Topics This course is an investigation of the visualization of form, thought and expression through the drawing process. This workshop provides students with the opportunity to learn more about a particular experience in drawing while still covering required foundation elements. Different topics may be taken in the same semester. Topics may only be taken once. Concepts are introduced by lectures, discussions, demonstrations, research and assigned projects.. The focus of the course is to provide awareness of the full range of ways in which drawing is used as a tool for both self-expression and communication. (Prerequisites: FDTN-111 or ITDI-211 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Spring). |
Choose one of the following: | 3 |
FDTN-122 | 2D Design II This course is the second part of the sequential two-dimensional design curriculum within the College of Art and Design. This course builds on the broad introductory experiences in 2D I; students will expand their visual and verbal vocabulary while exploring advanced design concepts through interdisciplinary activities, practices, and exploration. The themes and concepts explored in this course are intertwined with aspects of personal interpretation and experience alongside historical and cultural themes. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** (Prerequisites: FDTN-121 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
FDTN-222 | 2D Design II Workshop: Topic This workshop provides students with the opportunity to learn more about 2D compositions within a more open and experimental approach while still covering the core foundational 2D design II concepts. Different topics may be taken in the same semester, but unique topics may only be taken once. Material and conceptual focus will be determined by the faculty proposing each unique topic. (Prerequisites: FDTN-121 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Spring). |
Choose one of the following: | 3 |
FDTN-132 | 3D Design II This course is the second course in the three-dimensional design curriculum and is foundational to the College of Art and Design education. The focus of the course is on composing three-dimensional form and its relationship to space. Students will build on their prior term experiences, which include the introduction to three-dimensional principles, materials, and building processes. Students will develop the sophisticated skill of conceptualization. More advanced problems will be assigned, and students will have the opportunity to explore a wide range of material and process possibilities for their resolution. A heightened awareness of idea development and design research will be explored. Inclusion of 21st century themes in the arts of social cultural and community. **Fee: A materials fee is required for this course, and an additional course fee applied via student account** (Prerequisites: FDTN-131 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
FDTN-232 | 3D Design II Workshop: Topic This workshop provides students with the opportunity to learn more about 3D compositions within a more open and experimental realm while still covering the core Foundation concepts. Different topics may be taken in the same semester. Topics may only be taken once. The focus is on composing three-dimensional form and its
relationship to space. Material exposure will be determined by the topic’s instructor. (Prerequisites: FDTN-131 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Spring). |
YOPS-10 | RIT 365: RIT Connections RIT 365 students participate in experiential learning opportunities designed to launch them into their career at RIT, support them in making multiple and varied connections across the university, and immerse them in processes of competency development. Students will plan for and reflect on their first-year experiences, receive feedback, and develop a personal plan for future action in order to develop foundational self-awareness and recognize broad-based professional competencies. (This class is restricted to incoming 1st year or global campus students.) Lecture 1 (Fall, Spring). |
0 |
General Education – First-Year Writing (WI) |
3 | |
General Education – Social Perspective |
3 | |
Second Year | ||
FDTN-141 | 4D Design 4D Design introduces students to the basic concepts of art and design in time and space. The course explores elements of moving images such as continuity, still and moving image editing, transitions and syntax, sound and image relations, and principles of movement. Computers, video, photo, sound and lighting equipment are used to create short-form time-based work relevant to students in all majors and programs required to take this course. The course addresses the both historical conventions of time in art and recent technological advances, which are redefining the fields of Fine Art and Design. In focusing on the relations between students' spacing and timing skills, 4D Design extends and supplements the other Foundation courses, and prepares students for further work with time-based media. (Undergraduate Art and Design) Lab 5 (Fall, Spring). |
3 |
PAIT-201 | Introduction to Painting This course will explore techniques in painting to advance students’ understanding of subjects such as color theory, building compositions and the effective use of painting materials. Individual approaches to content range from abstraction through representational art, as students address contemporary visual arts issues. * Fee: There is a course fee applied via student account. * (Prerequisite: FDTN-111 or DDDD-208 or ITDI-211 or SOFA-108 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
PRNT-201 | Introduction to Printmaking This course is a comprehensive introduction to printmaking concepts and techniques. Organized to create a broad introductory experience, the course will focus on the expansion of problem solving and skill building within the context of printmaking. The course addresses a wide variety of media, tools, techniques both traditional and technological, and theoretical concepts to facilitate skill development and experimentation with process. Accumulative aspects of the curriculum include the exploration of historical and cultural concepts of materiality and the multiple intertwined with aspects of personal interpretation and experience. ** Fee: There is a course fee applied via student account. ** (Prerequisites: FDTN-111 or ITDI-211 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
SCUL-201 | Introduction to Sculpture This course will examine professional sculptural practices, processes, and materials. Course content will cover additive, subtractive, assemblage, and substitution processes of making sculpture along with historical and contemporary approaches to the field. Students will develop skills in relation to individual concepts and directions. At the completion of this course students will learn how to create and critique sculptures that effectively communicate ideas. ** Fee: There is a lab fee required for this course** (Prerequisites: FDTN-131 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
SCUL-501 | Sculpture This course allows students to explore concepts, materials, processes, and techniques to develop a personal, cohesive three-dimensional body of work. Theories and history of sculpture will be discussed as relevant to individual directions. Course may be repeated. **Fee: There is a lab fee required for this course** (Prerequisites: SCUL-201 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall, Spring). |
3 |
STAR-505 | Figure Drawing This course will focus on building figure drawing skills in a traditional life drawing class format with emphasis on dynamic line quality, visual perception and contemporary approaches to figure drawing. Students will work directly from the model in a variety of media. At the completion of this course, students will gain an understanding of diverse representations and applications of the human figure using various drawing materials and processes. (Prerequisites: FDTN-111 or ITDI-211 or ITDI-236 or SOFA-108 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
CAD Studio Elective† |
3 | |
Art History Elective‡ |
3 | |
General Education – Ethical Perspective |
3 | |
Choose one of the following: | 3 |
General Education – Natural Science Inquiry Perspective |
General Education – Scientific Principles Perspective |
General Education – Mathematical Perspective A or B |
Third Year | ||
SCUL-501 | Sculpture This course allows students to explore concepts, materials, processes, and techniques to develop a personal, cohesive three-dimensional body of work. Theories and history of sculpture will be discussed as relevant to individual directions. Course may be repeated. **Fee: There is a lab fee required for this course** (Prerequisites: SCUL-201 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall, Spring). |
6 |
STAR-311 | Ideation and Series This course will examine appropriate skills and strategies to generate ideas and develop them effectively. Through personal and group generative idea exercises, journaling and research students will explore individual ideas and personal interests to produce a final series of creative works. (Prerequisites: FDTN-141 or equivalent course or students enrolled in the WOOD-AOS program.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
Choose one of the following: | 3 |
SCUL-511 | Expanded Forms The course will focus on the diverse new forms of expression that have emerged in contemporary fine art, including installation, performance, video, and digital art among the many other possibilities. Students will research some of these new forms and produce artwork in at least one of these forms. Course may be repeated for credit. **Fee: There is a lab fee required for this course** (Prerequisites: SCUL-201 or STAR-503 or GRDE-207 or NMDE-204 or SOFA-205 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall, Spring). |
SCUL-543 | Foundry Practices This course is designed to introduce or develop students’ skills in casting metals with an emphasis on cast iron and the use of a cupola. Advanced pattern-making, mold-making, sprueing, patination, and casting techniques will be introduced. Students will develop their concepts through cast metal sculpture. **A lab fee is required for this course** (Prerequisites: FDTN-131 or SCUL-269 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
SCUL-573 | Figure Sculpture This course will focus on the creation of three-dimensional figurative work. Course content will cover sculpting directly from live models and creating multiple armatures. Students will use this knowledge to create several oil clay maquettes. At the completion of this course students will produce a finished figurative sculpture translating a chosen maquette into a permanent material. *A lab fee is required for this course* (Prerequisites: FDTN-131 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
SCUL-583 | Welding and Fabrication This course will introduce develop skills in metal fabrication. Course content will cover several different types of equipment utilized in the welding and cutting processes. Students will learn to learn to effectively use equipment to fabricate mild steel. At the completion of this course students will complete a body of work consisting of finished fabricated steel sculptures. The course will be taught off-campus at Rochester Arc and Flame Center, 115 Fedex Way, Rochester, NY. **Fee: There is a materials fee required for this course and an additional course fee applied via SFS bill. See course notes for course fee information** (Prerequisites: FDTN-131 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
Art History Elective‡ |
3 | |
General Education – Immersion 1 (WI-GE) |
3 | |
CAD Studio Electives† |
6 | |
General Education – Elective |
3 | |
Open Elective |
3 | |
Fourth Year | ||
SCUL-501 | Sculpture This course allows students to explore concepts, materials, processes, and techniques to develop a personal, cohesive three-dimensional body of work. Theories and history of sculpture will be discussed as relevant to individual directions. Course may be repeated. **Fee: There is a lab fee required for this course** (Prerequisites: SCUL-201 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall, Spring). |
6 |
STAR-401 | Senior Capstone This course will focus on the production and exhibition of a representative body of artwork. Students will participate in an articulated process of making, engaging in comprehensive research that expands and supports their work, developing a rationale for the use of media and process, creating sketches and models, and the refining work through critiquing and editing. All of this will culminate in the professional presentation of oral, written, and visual work that contextualizes the students’ positions within contemporary artistic practice. Students will also be involved in every aspect of their senior shows from creating the work to installing the exhibition and preparing marketing materials. (Prerequisites: STAR-311 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Spring). |
3 |
STAR-411 | Business Practices for Artists (WI-PR) This course is devoted to the practical business issues that artists must address, such as: building and maintaining a portfolio, pricing, engaging established and emerging marketing strategies, public relations, and the professional presence. Students will develop the skills necessary to create a sustainable post-academic studio practice. Financial organization, communication, and networking, as well as archiving, grant writing, and interfacing with exhibition opportunities will be explored through research projects, writing assignments, and group discussion. (Prerequisites: STAR-311 or equivalent course or student standing in WOOD-AOS.) Lecture 3 (Fall or Spring). |
3 |
Choose one of the following: | 3 |
SCUL-511 | Expanded Forms The course will focus on the diverse new forms of expression that have emerged in contemporary fine art, including installation, performance, video, and digital art among the many other possibilities. Students will research some of these new forms and produce artwork in at least one of these forms. Course may be repeated for credit. **Fee: There is a lab fee required for this course** (Prerequisites: SCUL-201 or STAR-503 or GRDE-207 or NMDE-204 or SOFA-205 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall, Spring). |
SCUL-543 | Foundry Practices This course is designed to introduce or develop students’ skills in casting metals with an emphasis on cast iron and the use of a cupola. Advanced pattern-making, mold-making, sprueing, patination, and casting techniques will be introduced. Students will develop their concepts through cast metal sculpture. **A lab fee is required for this course** (Prerequisites: FDTN-131 or SCUL-269 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
SCUL-573 | Figure Sculpture This course will focus on the creation of three-dimensional figurative work. Course content will cover sculpting directly from live models and creating multiple armatures. Students will use this knowledge to create several oil clay maquettes. At the completion of this course students will produce a finished figurative sculpture translating a chosen maquette into a permanent material. *A lab fee is required for this course* (Prerequisites: FDTN-131 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
SCUL-583 | Welding and Fabrication This course will introduce develop skills in metal fabrication. Course content will cover several different types of equipment utilized in the welding and cutting processes. Students will learn to learn to effectively use equipment to fabricate mild steel. At the completion of this course students will complete a body of work consisting of finished fabricated steel sculptures. The course will be taught off-campus at Rochester Arc and Flame Center, 115 Fedex Way, Rochester, NY. **Fee: There is a materials fee required for this course and an additional course fee applied via SFS bill. See course notes for course fee information** (Prerequisites: FDTN-131 or equivalent course.) Studio 6 (Fall or Spring). |
General Education – Immersion 2, 3 |
6 | |
Open Electives |
9 | |
Total Semester Credit Hours | 120 |
Please see General Education Curriculum (GE) for more information.
(WI) Refers to a writing intensive course within the major.
* Please see Wellness Education Requirement for more information. Students completing bachelor's degrees are required to complete two different Wellness courses.
† CAD Studio Electives are College of Art and Design courses with lab or studio component, per catalog restrictions.
‡ Art History electives are non-studio courses searchable in SIS with the Art History attribute of ARTH and are 200-level or above.
Admissions and Financial Aid
First-Year Admission
First-year applicants are expected to demonstrate a strong academic background that includes:
- 4 years of English
- 3 years of social studies and/or history
- 3-4 years of mathematics
- 2-3 years of science
- Studio art experience and a portfolio of original artwork are required. View Portfolio Requirements for more information.
Transfer Admission
Transfer applicants should meet these minimum degree-specific requirements:
- Studio art experience and a portfolio of original artwork are required. View Portfolio Requirements for more information.
Financial Aid and Scholarships
100% of all incoming first-year and transfer students receive aid.
RIT’s personalized and comprehensive financial aid program includes scholarships, grants, loans, and campus employment programs. When all these are put to work, your actual cost may be much lower than the published estimated cost of attendance.
Learn more about financial aid and scholarships
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