Computing and Information Sciences News

  • August 6, 2019

    Woman looks at screen holding remote.

    Bringing creativity into cybersecurity

    You do what? From accountant to the stars to sustainable chocolate producer, RIT alumni have some pretty cool careers. Read about Allison Ritter ’14 (media arts and technology), creative director for IBM’s X-Force Command in Boston.

  • August 6, 2019

    Student in lab coat works with pipette.

    RIT expands genomics research

    RIT’s genomics research capabilities have evolved significantly over the past year. The university has invested heavily in revamping and equipping its Genomics Research Lab Cluster. The overhauled genomics facilities will boost capabilities for researchers in multiple disciplines, including bioinformatics, biotechnology and environmental science.

  • August 6, 2019

    Building under contruction in 1988.

    Thirty years of imaging science at RIT

    Thirty years after the Center for Imaging Science building was dedicated, it is now home to more than 150 students studying imaging science at the undergraduate and graduate level.

  • August 6, 2019

    Two men pose with electronic devices for horses.

    Alumni Update: Alumni create device to monitor horse health

    When his brother’s horse died suddenly from colic in 2013, Michael Schab ’09 (computer engineering) saw an opportunity to create something that would prevent other equestrians from losing their beloved animals to this preventable affliction.

  • August 6, 2019

    Couple in hiking gear stands on ledge with canyon in background.

    Tiger Love: Ultramarathoners in it for the long haul

    If the old saying, “couples who play together stay together” is true, Jon Podeszek ’10, ’12 MS and Danielle Furman Podeszek ’11 have it made. The two are ultramarathoners who spend their free time training to run 50-plus-mile races.

  • July 31, 2019

    Four students play Nintendo.

    Summer abroad trip allows students to explore German video game industry

    The two-week trip through the German cities of Paderborn and Frankfurt was the culmination of a spring semester course that introduced students to game design and development in Germany. For the study abroad program, students participated in an extended game jam with German students, sat in on a class about artificial intelligence in the games industry and toured three game studios.