Rochester Institute of Technology
Best Value
Cited for best value among national research universities — U.S. News & World Report, 2025
Among Top Schools for Co-op or Internship Programs
Ranked among nation’s special programs for leading cooperative education or internship programs — U.S. News & World Report, 2025
Most Innovative
Listed among “Most Innovative Schools” for improvements to curriculum — U.S. News & World Report, 2023
Pulitzer Prizes
11 alumni have won a combined 15 Pulitzers for their work in visual journalism.
Undergraduate Teaching
Recognized for universities whose faculty and administrators are committed to teaching undergraduate students in a high-quality — U.S. News & World Report, 2025.
Best Employers
Ranked 16th among colleges and universities in Forbes' list of America’s Best Employers 2023 for mid-size employers — Forbes Magazine, 2023.
Message from the President
RIT is one of the top universities in the nation working at the intersection of technology, the arts and design. We are a university that is shaping the future and improving the world through creativity and innovation … We put a high value on bringing goodness to the world.
David C. Munson Jr.