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RIT Global

Global Ambassadors are students just like you that have gone through the study abroad experience. They are a great source of information for more country specific questions or if you just are playing around with the idea of study abroad but are not ready yet to talk to a study abroad advisor.

Reach out to them via email or social media to chat or set up a time to meet in person. Some of the things they can help you with:

  • Common misconceptions about study abroad.
  • Tips for preparing to go abroad - banking, budgeting, safety, transportation, packing, independent travel, culture shock, etc.
  • Country specific or program specific advice.
  • Or just connect with them to hear their story!

Click on each GA photo to learn more about their experience.

Olivia McCluskey
CHST, Biomedical Sciences
Program Type:
RIT Faculty-Led
Olivia McCluskey
CHST, Biomedical Sciences

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Hello! I'm Olivia, and I'm a third-year Biomedical Sciences student. I always hoped to study abroad to explore and learn about other cultures hands-on. In the summer of 2022, I studied Ireland's culture, society, and justice system for two weeks. I learned about Ireland through conversing with Irish citizens, seeing historical and beautiful landscapes, and making new connections with my RIT peers on the program. Studying abroad opened my eyes to the possibilities of working abroad after college, which is now one of my goals. I believe everyone should experience some time abroad as it opens further travel and exploration opportunities.

Abby Jones
NTID, ASL-English Interpretation
Program Type:
RIT Global Campus
Abby Jones
NTID, ASL-English Interpretation

Hello! My name is Abby Jones, and I am an ASL interpreting major. I studied abroad in Croatia during the summer of 2022 at an RIT global campus. I've always loved the idea of traveling and knew I wanted to study abroad in college. Thankfully, RIT was able to provide this fantastic opportunity! Although it can be a scary experience, I learned so much about myself and other cultures abroad and would love to do it again! Traveling provides amazing experiences, new perspectives, independence, and memories that will last for a lifetime, as cliché as that sounds. Studying abroad was a wonderful opportunity, and I would love to help others take advantage of it. I am always here to ease concerns and discuss anything related to studying abroad that you may want to know! :) Besides traveling, I love petting cats, relaxing with friends, and sitting outside when the weather is just right. Feel free to reach out at any time!

Alex Wilson
KGCOE, Computer Engineering
Program Type:
Affiliate (SAI)
Alex Wilson
KGCOE, Computer Engineering

Pronouns: He/Him/His

I hope I get a chance to meet and speak with you about the fabulous journey you are about to embark upon as a potential student studying abroad. My name is Alex Wilson. I was born in the United Arab Emirates, but am a dual national with the United States and the United Kingdom. I’ve grown up around the world and can’t wait to discuss how learning about different cultures, traditions, languages, and international food coupled with studying will make you a more rounded individual that is attractive to employers. Your experiences, good or bad, will mold you to see the world in a new, exciting, and vibrant way. You will no longer be a person that is cradle to grave from a hometown; instead, this experience will transform you into a global citizen ready to take on new challenges.

My recent study abroad experience in Rome, Italy, had its ups and downs. However, it helped me develop by seeing how the ancient past is still relevant today and contributes to the future as a universal. If you want to discuss how studying abroad is in your best interest, then let’s talk! I look forward to meeting you. If you are a part of the LGBTQ community, a computer engineer, or in a STEM field, I can offer you insights into what to expect, what to prepare for, and how to make the most of your time overseas! If you’re looking for travel advice on budgeting, packing, or taking advantage of all the opportunities that come with studying abroad, my door is open to you. I wish you the best in your endeavors.

Akhil Alavalapati
CET, Electrical Engineering Tech
Program Type:
Akhil Alavalapati
CET, Electrical Engineering Tech

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Hi! My name is Akhil Alavalapati, and I am a 3rd-year Electrical Engineering Tech student at RIT. I did an exchange program during the spring of 2023 at Comillas Pontifical University in Madrid, Spain. It was truly a life-changing experience that allowed me to travel across Europe. Studying abroad allows you to immerse yourself in a different culture, providing a unique opportunity to learn about and appreciate the customs, traditions, and perspectives of people from different backgrounds. I have a lot of experience with European travel - definitely reach out if you have questions about study abroad or travel in general. 

Keyazsha Ashford
NTID, Design & Imaging Technology
South Korea
Program Type:
Keyazsha Ashford
NTID, Design & Imaging Technology
South Korea

Pronouns: They/Them/Theirs

Hello~! I'm Keya! Study abroad was really fun and mind-blowing especially since it was my first time abroad. I want to help other students find their destination for study abroad, offer helpful tips for first-timers, etc. As a deaf person, going abroad is truly a fun experience. I also love dancing and photography.

Lizzie Barron
KGCOE, Mechanical Engineering
France, Ireland, UAE
Program Type:
Faculty-Led, Affiliate, Global Campus
Lizzie Barron
KGCOE, Mechanical Engineering
France, Ireland, UAE

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

I am a 4th year MECE BS/ME. I love sailing and have been on the RIT Sailing Club team for 2 years. The main reason I choose to study at RIT was their study abroad options. I studied through an affiliate program for a semester in Dublin, Ireland, a faculty-led month-long program in Rennes, France, and studied at the RIT Dubai campus for a semester. I'd love to help any prospective study abroad students with any questions they might have. 

Ryan Noyes
GCCIS, Software Engineering; CLA, Japanese Language
Program Type:
Ryan Noyes
GCCIS, Software Engineering; CLA, Japanese Language

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Hi! My name is Ryan Noyes, and I am a Software Engineering and Japanese double major. I studied abroad three times: twice during high school (to Rabat, Morocco, and Shanghai, China), and then recently to Kyoto, Japan. Through these experiences, I have learned so much about myself, my host country, and the world as a whole. I want to show that studying abroad is an amazing experience and can change lives, and I hope that I can encourage some of you to travel. Feel free to reach out - I am very happy to answer any messages about studying abroad.

Syd Purcell
COS, Biotechnology & Molecular Biomedical Sciences
United Arab Emirates
Program Type:
Syd Purcell
COS, Biotechnology & Molecular Biomedical Sciences
United Arab Emirates

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Hello! My name is Syd, and I am a Biotechnology and Molecular Bioscience major. I studied abroad in Dubai over the spring break of 2023. I visited the Burj Khalifa, spoke to Emiratis about fashion trends, and ate an offensive amount of dates. It was such an enriching experience that on the flight back home, I was already planning my next trip. Traveling has taught me more about myself, different cultures, and time management. I once left the airport ten minutes before my flight departed. Exploring a new country reignited my love for adventure and the unknown. If you are unsure if you should take the leap and study abroad, please contact me.