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RIT Global

Faculty-Led and Global Campus Programs
Students going on approved study abroad programs will earn RIT credit. Students will be directly registered for courses by a study abroad advisor or college administrator, with individual course names and letter grades appearing on the student's transcript. Grading is handled the same way as on-campus RIT courses; students will receive letter grades which will calculate into their GPA.

Affiliate and Exchange Programs
Students going on approved affiliate and exchange programs will earn RIT credit. In most cases, students studying abroad on affiliate and exchange programs cannot actually register for their courses until they arrive in country. As a result, courses may be full or no longer available. It is essential that students have alternate courses pre-approved and communicate with their academic advisor, study abroad advisor and financial aid advisor if they register for anything other than what is approved on the Course Pre-Approval form. This is especially important if there is a change in the number of credits a student earns as this can have serious implications, especially on financial aid.

Students will be registered for study abroad classes at RIT (Study Abroad for ## credits) by a study abroad advisor or college administrator. Their RIT registration will match what is approved on your course pre-approval form. For example, if are studying abroad for one semester and you received approval for the classes abroad to count for five RIT classes worth three credits each, you would be registered for five different courses titled "Study Abroad"  for three credits each. You will work with your study abroad provider and host institution to register for your actual overseas courses before you depart or as soon as you arrive. Approximately 3 months following the completion of your program, the RIT Education Abroad office will be sent an official transcript from your affiliate provider detailing the courses you took abroad and the American letter grades that you earned for each course. These grades will be converted to pass/fail. For each grade of a C or above, you will receive a passing grade. For a C minus, D or F, you will receive a failing grade. Passing grades are not calculated into your GPA but failing grades are. If you have any questions about this process, please address them with the study abroad advisor