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RIT Global

Study abroad is a great opportunity for personal growth, developing maturity, independence, and problem solving skills. Part of this growth begins with the logistical planning for studying abroad. We recognize that as a parent, you may feel compelled to manage your student's travel planning from booking flights to applying for a visa, but we encourage you to support your student to take the lead. There are a few things, however, that you should take care of:

1. Apply for a passport: even if you don't plan on visiting your student while they are abroad, you should have a valid passport in case of an emergency.

2. Save program information: know the name, location, and details of the program that your student is participating in by bookmarking the program website and having the program contacts in your phone.

3. Ask your student for a copy of the study abroad budget worksheet provided by the RIT Education Abroad office and a copy of their financial aid worksheet they recevieved after they met with RIT Financial Aid.

4. Watch the health and safety presentation that all students participate in during the required Bon Voyage Pre-Departure meeting hosted by the RIT Education Abroad office.

5. Review the health and travel insurance options with your student.

6. Acquire travel itineraries from your student: know the flight, lodging, and program excursion information.

7. Make copies of important documents: keep a copy of your student's passport, visa (if applicable), credit cards, and other important documents.

8. Make a communication plan with your student: make a plan for the first contact when your student arrives abroad as well as your general check-in plan while your student is on their program.