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RIT Global

Leading a new faculty-led program abroad is a complex but also very rewarding experience that takes about a year of planning and preparation prior to departure. There are several factors you should consider when developing a new program such as personal commitment, college support, program models, cultural immersion, safety and cost. In this section you will find detailed resources to help you explore what it means to create an impactful program abroad. We've also created a Faculty Director Checklist to help you manage your program.

Things to Consider

From personal commitment to cultural immersion, there are important topics to consider when developing a program such as:

  • Support
  • Program Structure
  • Location
  • Logistics
  • Safety
  • Cost

Review the Things To Consider Document to guide your planning.


Whether designing a new program or renewing a previously established program a full year of planning is necessary to secure appropriate permissions, evaluate risk, plan logistics and effectively recruit students to participate.

Faculty-Led Program Models

When developing a program, you have five faculty-led program models to choose from. The model you select will depend heavily on the program's curricular needs, the support from your Department Chair and Dean, your personal travel availability, and student needs. Each model has unique characteristics that will affect timing, financial aid availability, and cultural immersion, so it is important to work closely with your college leadership and the Education Abroad office to understand the best program model.

Use the Program Type Chart to help determine the best model for your program.

Student Application Deadlines

  • Fall Semester, Fall/Winter break (travel enhancement), Summer/Fall (travel enhancement): April 1
  • Spring Semester, Winter break/Spring (travel enhancement), Spring/Summer (travel enhancement): October 15
  • Summer: February 15

Site Visits

We strongly encourage faculty-directors to conduct an in-person site visit in an effort to better understand how to integrate the culture into the curriculum, to evaluate the site for safety concerns, to make connections and do some logistic and budget planning.

The International Education and Global Programs office offers site visit grants. For details about the grant application process and expectations for site vists refer to the Global Faculty Grants section.

Essential Information


Jenny Sullivan
Director of Education Abroad & International Fellowships