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RIT Global

In this program, you will be enrolled in a spring semester course with students on various linguistic tracks at RIT and then travel to your target linguistic destination for 1-2 weeks in the summer term to learn how language, culture, and entrepreneurial thinking can help address the world's sustainability challenges. During the travel portion of the course, you will meet with international entrepreneurs, businesses, and incubators to learn how they create and operate a business.

Given the importance of environmentally responsible entrepreneurship for job creation and wealth and the importance of innovation to bring solutions to consumers -through new products, services, processes, or business models- the purpose of this course is to show "how" entrepreneurship and innovation take place and "why" it is so important, especially in the Peruvian Entrepreneurial Ecosystem.

The attention paid to entrepreneurship in the last decade is constantly increasing worldwide, especially in Latin American emergent countries like Peru, due to the impact of entrepreneurship on economic growth and social development. Peru, a country full of diverse cultures and natural resources, has a unique entrepreneurship ecosystem, which has proved to be an important player in the steady growth of its economy.

Lima, the Peruvian capital, is an amazing city of twelve million people and the gastronomic capital of the Americas. It is the only Latin-American capital on the Pacific Ocean, where Callao port is located, and the International Jorge Chávez Airport, a hub from South Latin America to the Northern Hemisphere.

The application deadline for the spring/summer 2024 has passed. To inquire about next year's program, contact the faculty director (Sara Armengot,

Term: Spring 2024 course, travel to Peru in May
Travel Dates: May 12 - May 21, 2024
Credits: 3

Course Details:

  • MLST 449 - Language and Culture for International Entrepreneurship (CLA)
  • MGMT 489 - Language and Culture for International Entrepreneurship (SCB)

During spring 2024, the class will meet on Fridays from 10:00-11:50 a.m.

Pre-requisites: MLSP202 Beginning Spanish 2 (by Spring 2024) or equivalent as determined by RIT Language Placement Exam. Open to all undergraduate majors.

Application deadline: October 15, 2023

Program Cost:
Student budget worksheet (2024 program) - outlines all program costs. Take a copy of the budget to a meeting with RIT financial aid BEFORE the application deadline to see how your aid may apply.

RIT Study Abroad Scholarships
National Scholarships

To Apply

Applications are closed

Language of Instruction: 
English, Spanish
Course Discipline: 
Business, Spanish Language
Open To: 

RIT Students only